Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One



>hears first chord
I think somethings wrong with me

Aaand finalized! On to the next one! Let’s see…
Ooh~ I am going to enjoy this one.

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ah, so even more reason for you to buy it




ive been summoned



Crick. Crack. Left. Right. Ti-Ti-TIME TIME Line-Line-Line. Traveler. Freezer. Bandit. Mage. Who else? (Killer and Protector.) TIME TIME TIME Line. Reverse. Flipless. Flipfull. Undead. Unlife. Skull. Melting. Dates. Reverse. Return. Point. Item. Dot. Placed. Removed. Destroyed. Pi-Pi-Ping! Ping! [Union. Shattered. Restoration. Union.] Past, present, and future. Same yet different. Who I was, I no longer am, nor will I be. Thirteen. Four, four, four. One unaffected. Three heads to one. Up ahead! Death reversed. Unfeasible. [Idea scrapped!] Past, present, and future. (Unset future, infinite possibilities. Infinite freedom. Does not have to be my freedom.) My past, my present, my future. Untold future. “When you change the timeline, you don’t just change the future. You also change the past.” Redux, return, revisited. Chaos Revisited. Return. Electric Boogaloo. Return to idea two. Reversed time. From zero to negative. (But when do we move forward?) Time […] breaks the timeline. Unbalanced. Unappealing. Unworthy of my time. [Idea two.] Whose past? Whose present? Whose future? …ah, the trilogy. April Showers. The past, the “present”, and the uncertain future. To return. The reconstruction? Invasion of the present. The past and the futures (plural). Never before seen future. Alternative worlds. Preview. Spoilers. Disgusting. (Interesting.) [Viable. Anything for the sake of a newborn spark of light.] … (Invasion!) The hoods… there? [Many, many hoods. Many invasion points. Many errors…] (How beautiful.) How painful. (Headache?) Always. Then, shall we start? [Future… should be altered. To prevent spoilers.] Yes, YES! Agreed! (Fine by me. Now, let’s start the construction.)

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[Past: 001010. Present: 001010. Future A: 021010. Future B: 001010.] Hm… one error. (It’s the future. Pay no heed.) Logically, any actions of the present affects the future. However… (How do we get the future involved without affecting the future?) A copy. Branching timelines. A parallel world. A sandbox world where this mess can happen without influencing the future. [The past and “present” affects the True Present, which is undesirable.] (We need to scramble the eggs of the past and present. Got it. What about the future?) Hey. What if we sacrifice the future? ([Never.]) Fair enough, but that means that we’d have to either alter the future, or… (Put a blindfold, huh… Honestly? This can still work. How do we mash the timelines though?) [Quantum FM taught us how to.] Nah, I already forgot how it worked. (We can simply imitate it? We don’t have to make a carbon copy of it.) That’s less imitation and more inspiration. (Works for me.) Let’s rehearse: Everyone has “not their past”, “not their present”, and “unknown futures”. [Numbers are not matching… Suggestion to drop the use of Future A and rely solely on Future B.] (That future is unstable as hyuck! Ew! Just scrap one role from Future A, and the error gets fixed, right? Do that!) Many options… (Hm… Here! Remove the “Original”. We won’t need that in this simulation anyway.) [Confirmed. This is a viable solution.] Agency of two, and uncertainty of two as well. [To further complicate, the present involved the element of (…) as well.] (Whoever is going to review this excrement is going to suffer alright.) People have reviewed Singer FM, right? Then, this one ought to be doable as well. So… do we just slap the past and present together, or do we actually weld it and remove excess materials? (The latter would result in us constructing a new future. Unfortunately it seems we have to make a sloppy meal.) [Disagree. New results have appeared. Certain elements of the past cannot be repeated due to unappetizing elements.] (Ah… right, there was that too, huh?) It looks to me that we are going to make a new future after all. Would this still be considered a shattered timeline? [Clash of past, present, and parallel futures. I say this is sufficient.] (What he said.) Mmn. I see. It’s unfortunate we can’t make a separate timeline, but I suppose this is the best we can do for now.

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Zone are you okay buddy


“April Showers The Third - Alternative : Shattered.” Concept is there. All that is left is the design, the process, and the execution. [And the bear of bad news.] (Poor liver. –hey, I recently found out I was apparently challenged. We can get back at them for challenging us!) Pretty sure that was just a joke though… (A challenge is a challenge! I accepted CRich’s challenge before, and I succeeded. I can do it again!) We’re late though. By an order of… two weeks? (Then we’ll just apologize and return the favor in one go!) …poor liver indeed.

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Yep. Just talking to myself. (It’s been happening more often as of late. Probably ever since Tommygun?) I dunno. It’s probably helpful to future me, one way or another. (I doubt it, but :man_shrugging:)

Who has the right of way at a 4 way stop
  • Worst looking car
  • Highest bidder at auction
  • Most tragic backstory
  • Everybody at once, but watch out
  • Alphabetical by license plate
  • Person who wants it the most
  • The firstborn
  • Most YouTube subscribers
  • Rock paper scissors
  • Whoever’s made the most generous sacrifices to the road spirit lately
  • You have to call a judge down to resolve the dispute
  • Meeeeee :3

0 voters

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I workshopped this Tumblr poll with my family in the car

“Most YouTube subscribers” was my brother

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I think he did “most tragic backstory” too

“Worst looking car” was my mom

I forget who said “highest bidder”

My sister said rock paper scissors but only after I already had it.

im glad we all know that may has never had an original idea in his life and she just mooches of they family for tumblr clout