Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Searched up “quiz bowl dream of the red chamber”

Wait I missed this holy shit congrats


this isn’t in the qbreader database you had to look hard for this

No I looked first google result

of fucking course it’s scobol solo



This book includes a poem in which the “frenzy of poetry” creeps over idle people “Day and night,” which appears shortly before several poems about savoring crab meat. The speaker of a poem in this book is “wounded at heart” as she feels both resentment and regret over Spring, because “suddenly it comes and suddenly goes.” A couplet about the “Great Void” in this book states “When false is taken for true, true becomes false; / If non-being turns into being, being becomes non-being.” In this book, a (*) poetry contest leads a group of friends to write twelve poems about chrysanthemums. The speaker of a poem in this book asks “who will bury me when dead I lie” after relating how men laugh at her for burying some flowers. In this book, a Taoist priest reads verses about “a former and after life” on a stone. For 10 points, a stone is reborn into Jiǎ Bǎoyù in what classic Chinese novel by Cáo Xuěqín (“tsao sh’way cheen”)?

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here’s a chicago open tossup (hardest tournament that’s regularly held)

Wow. How do people not get this? Have they not read all 120 chapters of Dream of the Red Chamber? Are they stupid?

i think “truth becomes fiction when the fiction’s true” has become clued too much to be in power in chicago open but hey maybe the meta was different in 2022

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They should’ve used the really iconic line, “‘Whether we fuck arseholes or not, what fucking business is it of yours? You should be bloody grateful we haven’t fucked your dad.”

you can make the last 8 weeks of book club more interesting

We will probably discuss this!

I want to play more Mahj soul but I just kinda have to stop for today after getting that Yakuman

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2019 mangos…

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