Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

you are so similar to me in a lot of regards. me and you are basically identical except one of us is way smarter and more popular

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me: “here is the mod app, please answer several questions many of which require thought”
one hour later
me: “where are all the mod applications? :(”


(note: if you sent a mod application this doesn’t mean I’m ignoring it! to be clear!)


run the mod apps as a turbo next time


aret reliving their school experience

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thoughts i guess





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hi i am reading it rn

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bro that’s heavy as shit :sob:

its really just a huge thought dump

but i wanted to post it because i feel like it could really resonate with a lot of people

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yeah fair

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also because

its really not healthy for me to just constantly have to internalize it

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yeah ok fair

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i should probably do the same thing

i do regularly air out political fears in group chats but there’s a lot of personal shit i want to write down but haven’t

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(not that i have like. scheduled times to talk about political things i just hate the political environemnt we’re in with a burning passion. so i take any opportunity i can get to talk about it :wowee:)


re: transphobia
i feel like many people are too far into the “dehumanization of trans people” bit to be saved by anyone else’s actions
the most important thing we can do is inoculate people against further hatred, basically
iirc polls and studies have shown that the most indicative thing of hatred of minorities or lack thereof is how many of them they know
or at least with trans people
so the best thing we can do to stop people from “growing” to hate trans people is just by being ourselves. showing people we are human before they can become convinced otherwise
idk tho

hatred is not based around logic at any point
otherwise they wouldn’t hate us
it is fundamentally emotion based
so arguing with people does nothing