Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

i think arguing amongst people who understand that we are, in fact, human, is productive in letting us further understand things
but not with people who don’t

some people can be made to shut up via logic, at least infront of you

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yeah fair
this is ime rare tho

a lot of people ive interacted with when they stop yelling get bested by it

eh fair
i think it comes down to how far along the transphobia path they are

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frequently those are people who are not all the way convinced of their transphobia
so it can be worth arguing with them. in a friendly way, of course, not one that furthers their transphobia
which is hard to strike a balance between.
it can help to just present facts and then see what they do with them ig?
that’s speculation though, take it with a grain of salt

idk tho

the best thing to do is honestly not engage. the second thing to do (if there’s an audience that is not people you already know to be in your corner) is make yourself seem as polite and reasonable as possible. the objective is just to maximize the likelihood they’re going to seem deranged and unwell



You can lead a horse to water, yet you can’t make it drink.


im going into psychology in college and one of the most common questions I ask myself is “how are people so hateful?” because of the stuff you’re talking about but also because of the hate hurled onto every minority around. it’s insane how often people will dehumanize and oppress others, even though they gain NOTHING from doing so. it genuinely boggles my mind.


its impossible to grasp, i think

i have no mouth and i must scream covers it


Not if you have a biblical worldview.


Crich you know that this is exactly the wrong place and time to say this right

It’s true though, and I give zero concerns on if anyone likes it or not.

My sibling in Christ the Bible is the exact thing used to justify much of the hate we are talking about

A lot of reasons. Fear is a big one.

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are you saying that it’s like the devil or what? It’s unclear to me what you’re implying.

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in his defense, a huge amount of people who are religious are extremely transphobic. i think that was the point he was making

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