Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Womp womp

(I plead the fifth because it’s embarrassing that the answer is “zero”)


The good thing is that you don’t need to have ties with such people.

i really wish it was easy to just change this


The biggest problem I would have living in an apartment, is potentially noisy neighbors keeping me awake at night.

(Pedantry alert) People don’t believe it solely cause of the ancient religious text they believe it cause everybody else around them seems to believe it. Actual religious texts often have very little to do with what beliefs end up being practiced. There’s a million laws in the Bible and only some of them are cited and enforced. They actually believe that because rigid enforcement of gender roles was important to continue the status quo!


well, yes. which initially this was a very easy way about going to things. but now? you will not be spared from seeing violent transphobia anywhere on the internet- which is where I thrive since I am so isolated irl.

And the people in power regarding the government also share these extreme anti transgender views, which actively puts me in danger- especially if trump is reelected

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I watched Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure first, which has an appropriately named Green Baby as a minor character. Anyone who approaches it shrinks proportionally, creating exponentially more distance to travel, infinitely. It’s the same principle.


:sob: :sob: :sob:

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also yeah this

don’t worry may it’s just having to beat apoc bird without losing any of the nuggets you particularly like

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Do you think most people commit crime for the sake of it, or do you think they commit crimes for a reason that makes sense to them? I don’t think ontological evil exists i.e. I don’t think anyone

  1. does something wrong
  2. knowing it’s wrong
  3. without guilt
  4. having the capacity to feel guilt

Evil in my view requires to all 4 to be true, and no one really behaves like this.

I worked in a public defender’s office, and I helped out the death penalty attorney with a case by listening to a client’s jail calls (we have to listen to them because they’re recorded and it’s really bad if the client did something like admitted to committing the crime which has happened more than once). This guy stabbed his stepdad like ninety-something times (this fact was never in dispute). He said he did because his stepdad was regularly beating his mom. His mom didn’t sound upset about the murder on their calls I’ll note. The state was arguing it was premeditated murder in cold blood, and was seeking the death penalty. I don’t think this guy was evil. I don’t necessarily think he should get off scot-free, but I don’t think he was evil.

Thinking people can be evil just opens you up to the exact kind of bigotry we’re talking about here because you think people can be evil so you throw people away calling them monsters instead of forcing yourself to reckon with the fact that they’re people. They’re people, just like you, and worthy of dignity and understanding even when they’ve acted in a way that seems monstrous in the abstract. That’s a thing we can never allow ourselves to forget, and forgetting it is the source of some of the worst shit in the history of our species.


what can go wrong other than everything

Ivy first tried it while losing every single nugget but one. Not hte desired outcome but it was inspiring

It’s not that hard to beat when you’ve only got one guy to pay attention to really

respectable strategy but you don’t get to memrep your way out of it

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She just memrepped and lost the gift which I think is very unfortunate but I didn’t think to stop her

the gift is really important like super duper ultra important

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