Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

I had a drink experience today which is that I ordered one drink, and then my dad also ordered this drink, and I was like “what no I’m not gonna get the SAME drink because I value variety and I’m gonna steal a sip from my dad anyway”, so I changed my drink order, and I did ultimately value the variety more than I would the individual drink but my dad’s drink was probably better. So I’m feeling like a mixed kind of regret. The kind you get when you make a tradeoff but the tradeoff is still worth it

Different guy

Thank god

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anyone not in the benguined’s power comes back 2 minutes after this message because he is inadvertently a master of comedic timing fandom is out of luck today


My brother is 13 and the videos he watches are still relatively appropriate for a 13 year old

When I was 13 I was watching Leafy lol

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I’m sorry for your loss

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What was I up to when I was thirteen? Well it was plenty of stuff I shouldn’t have been up to. But not as much as I could have been doing.

Yeah I was toxic af ngl


Still sometimes comes out but it takes ALOT for me to be toxic now

It’s not like I didn’t watch, well, you can guess what a thirteen year old may look up on the internet. But it was separate. I didn’t casually watch YouTubers who referenced such things in normal conversation, you know? I didn’t integrate it into my personality so much. It was a separate, private thing

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I don’t know whether I was more or less toxic at thirteen than I am now. Probably less toxic?

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well i played ow so

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I was less confident in myself, as I had less information, so I would naturally be less willing to get into an argument with somebody. Now that I have more information, I am more willing to argue with people. However I also did weird things for fun and to cope with various harms that had been done to me

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13 year old me was CRINGE

Like I was prooobably a cut less emotionally intelligent, just from lack of experience, and there were a few things I hadn’t yet processed? But it was more “less distance from event” than it was “not having enough maturity to process them at all”. I don’t think I’ve matured that much in a “changes in fundamental brain structures” way, I just have a bit more experience.

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13 year old me was a cocky bastard

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I didn’t have any competitive multiplayer games to learn to be toxic on thank god. I mean I had Discord. But that’s it.

That thirteen year old grew up to be you, though. It’s still the same person and mind, just slightly more matured than previously believed.

