Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

how DARE you INSULT ME and say that I AM STILL 13 YEAR OLD ME


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I used to be a super “my past self was so cringe” kind of guy, but, like, I agree with Magnus. He was just a version of me with less information. I’ve always been the same person. I cannot fault myself for having had less information!


And constantly forming grievances with my past self wasn’t particularly, like, productive or healthy whatsoever!


Mudslide → Mango sunrise. It tasted much like some kind of mango flavoured thing I had in the past, but I don’t remember what mango flavoured thing.

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ok but consider; past me was MORMON

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I know it tasted like mango tictacs but I don’t know if that was the thing in question

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If I attended a time travel convention where I could meet with my younger and future variants, I’d have to acknowledge everyone as effectively being the same individual, just with slightly different characteristics. It’s not like I’d actively distrust my younger variant just because “foolish”, at least not in fields where I wouldn’t normally distrust myself. Similarly, I’d expect my future variants to respect my intelligence to the same degree, even while passing leadership unto them.

Shouldn’t everyone feel the same way?


Yeah and past you was raised mormon. Do you know how many people are raised mormon and never change it whatsoever. Can you really blame her for being like thirteen and not knowing better? Name the % of thirteen year olds that know better. You had limited life experience and you trusted the people around you, and you now think the people around you were wrong. It is not like you would have the ability to learn that without seeds that were already planted in thirteen-year-old you.


i’m not sure if past me was all too bad considering i completely fell off at a fundemental level

ok fair

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i just look at my past messages and go “FUCK”

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Would you feel the same anger at another person who was thirteen and thought and did the same things you did then? And especially would you feel that same anger at a thirteen-year-old you knew for sure would grow up to believe the things you do now? You deserve the same respect you give to everybody else

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May has hooked me up with a Pokémon expert who will make the perfect torracat in a box and if they don’t we can blame may



That torracat better be snug and happy in that box instead of overfilling and grumpy like the torracat I’ve found

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(I’m not picky I just want the torracat to be SNUG and CUTE)

i would probably be angry at them at times when they say things to do with mormonism (but this is because i am super fucking angry at the church as a whole all the time, not because of them, specifically)
though if i did know they would grow up i would not be


You’re gonna be snug and happy in a box when I’m done with you

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