Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

world war 3’s gonna bump up those numbers when all the smallpox that’s in biological weapons reserves for some reason gets used


People on Tumblr are ALWAYS trying to pretend tradeoffs don’t exist. Always always always. It’s so fucking annoying. This is why I’m super “acknowledge negative consequences even of tradeoffs that are worth” brained. Honestly “acknowledge benefits even of tradeoffs with negative consequences” probably actually causes more problems overall but I’ve seen a thousand people rebuke that. The “delude yourself into thinking tradeoffs don’t ever exist” faction go less criticised in the Things That May Sees fandom


I think it’s great to see an even decades-long flatline.


very awesome

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bubonic plague returned that one time in mongolia you never know

-oh hm I think on second thought sometimes what I’m seeing is two connected things? where you sometimes get people who are on team “you can’t do good things if they have some bad aspects” and there’s a Good Thing With Some Bad Aspects they want to do so they’re like “actually the bad parts don’t exist/aren’t bad”


People who go “the correct solution to the trolley problem is to jam the lever so nobody gets hit” or “just stop the guy tying the people to the tracks lol” or or or. This is a thought experiment intended to represent more complex situations in reality. Engage with the question motherfucker


“a person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts”

Me jumping right before the falling elevator hits the ground. The rest of you, though? Tough luck

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Yeah they’re very similar things. People don’t like tradeoffs. So they push things to one side or to the other sideso they don’t have to think about the tradeoffs. I think people susceptible to one are also much more likely to be susceptible to the other


Because, like, they go hand in hand: if even one thing on the “bad” side of the scales evaporates all the things on the “good” side, regardless of relative weights, but you still see people doing things which are tradeoffs all the time… just pretend the “bad” side of the scales doesn’t exist (or that the “good” side of the scales doesn’t exist, people do both), and then you’re fine! You’re in the clear!

i think i said this before but i like the more fucked up version of the trolley problem that makes zero sense

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you have five people suffering from various organ failures and a single perfectly healthy person in the other room
do you steal their organs to save the five people

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Me when “solar panels are bad because of the joshua trees” post on tumblr that goes around every so often

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This is an awesome question I love it sooooo much

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like the trolley problem except the dilemma makes less sense and you get to kill the people yourself

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Would you rather eliminate all theoretical trolley problems, or to subject everyone in the world to the Monty Hall problem? If you remove the former, nobody will know how to answer sadistic problems in a resource-effective matter whenever they come up — therefore increasing the likelihood of harm in such disasters —, but the latter will raise the chances of people understanding the logic behind cost and economic problem solving which means strangers can steal all your money.

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I would simply create an unconscious clone of the healthy person and give their organs to the people who need them. I can’t believe you all didn’t think of that (probably because you are bad people).




well everyone already knows that

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And it’s got the opposite intuitive answer, right? Most people will say “swap the lever!” to the trolley problem but “no wtf don’t steal the organs” to yours. And it’s very interesting and fun and then you make them try to explain what the difference is and you get to have sooooo much fun. SO much fun

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