Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Tutuu probably believes this would actually work.


me when the fat man on a bridge problem

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“the only way to stop the train is to push the fat man off the bridge” what the fuck does this mean why is he so fat that he can stop a train
not very realistic

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i’m sure if your goal is getting a nasty head injury on top of all your other injuries it would


you shouldn’t swap the organs because the negative effects if it ever gets out that you killed a healthy patient to save some strangers are likely to be much larger than five lives so the expected value is negative

if you magically stipulate that no one will ever know it’s ethically correct to do the swap (separately from whether I would, I don’t think I would)


I’m very the only thing that I know is that I know nothing re: ethics and such I claim to have zero solutions but the questions are still quite fun to think about

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one time I got asked the fat man version of the trolley problem in a job interview



If you magically stipulate that nobody would ever know, and doing the swap was very easy and I didn’t have any additional emotional attachments (e.g. talking to any of the people) to talk about, I’d do it. Like in an abstract situation with anonymous people my instinct is “yes I will save the 5 people by killing one”. However I think in any practical situation my hands would feel worse about killing one person directly for saving five, you know

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i think the stakes change for a lot of people when you have to kill the person yourself

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charitably “because they wanted to see how I reasoned about ethical situations” and/or “having asked me the regular trolley problem, they wanted to see if I would give a consistent answer”

uncharitably “checking whether I was part of their ~~in-group”

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I suppose the easier way to put this is “my instinctive answer to the question is ‘yes kill the 1 person to save 5’, and when it’s only words on a page I find that very easy to say, but in a practical situation I would probably act differently”


what was the job

I mean if I was hiring somebody for a job I’d probably want to know whether they’re capable of ethical reasoning in general. Like. Having seen the number of people who try to cleverly dismiss the concept of tradeoffs, I would find it very desirable to know whether my applicant is one of them, because “does this person get how tradeoffs work” is useful even in the most stupid low-stakes detached-from-reality finance or software job in the world

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this is a kind of mediocre summary but basically “research involving prioritizing between different competing Solutions to different Problems” (like, if you have limited resources, which ones do you focus on)

(they had me do a work trial but I didn’t get the job)

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ok fair

so like it was in fact relevant but also :joy_cat:

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yeah lol