Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

I guess to be totally fair if someone is interviewing for that job and is like “I would simply jam the lever :smiling_face:” they are manifestly unqualified


and no you can’t use yours you’re the only qualified person and also AB+ sorry


yeah lol

I see so many people who are incapable of like, thinking critically about ethics or morality or such. Who just go with what they think is right (which is fine, that’s also what I do), but then also assert that what they think is right must be objectively correct, and refuse to budge or consider arguments to the contrary. And I think in such a job situation that would be the worst kind of person ever to work with

“I would pull the lever to kill 1 person, because it kills fewer people ^-^ But I wouldn’t push the fat man. That’s killing and wrong” ← Person who won’t evaluate the objective consequences of their actions

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If you can’t understand that indirect consequences of a decision are still consequences then I’m not hiring you

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Note that “despite theory saying they’re the same, I would do these things in practice, which I understand is technically hypocritical” is a different answer to these questions and I find it perfectly acceptable. It’s the whole not considering that’s the issue to me here

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woah wtf arete


And like this isn’t a sole test of somebody’s capability to evaluate their decisions, some people are bad in abstract scenarios but good in practice, such a hypothetical detached from reality shouldn’t be an all-important make-or-break hiring decision, any more than a written driving evaluation shows your capability (or lack thereof) to drive. Lots of people can pass a written exam ubt wouldn’t be safe drivers, and I’d bet a lot of ~safe drivers out there on the roads would get plenty of questions wrong on a written exam. But it’s still not useless data! It tells you something about the person you’re evaluating!

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i should make more people say things

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ok but i WOULD probably do that, but bc of the other reasoning may stated

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Wow YBW is incapable of critically evaluating her moral instincts?


i coudl detatch myself form the situation way easier in the lever example (and also the fat man example is like really flawed bc thats not how it would work)


I think I’m more likely than the average person to push the fat man because I’m a sicko. It doesn’t read as intuitively different to me as I think it does for other people. I don’t think I’m free from, like, you know, context-dependent moral judgements, not in the slightest, but I think I do it less than average. I think this is because I’m extremely autistic


U could also just ask the fat man to jump. Why u gotta push him ,thats his decision

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Cause he won’t

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I wouldn’t jump so I don’t expect him to


solving the fat man trolley problem by being physically too weak to push someone off a bridge :sunglasses:


Well maybe I would. Sometimes I’m the type of person who’d jump and sometimes I’m not. I oscillate. Who knows how I’d be in such a high-stress scenario.