Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

if you truly felt for me you’d pre-in for the game, but alas, you are simply pretending to feel sympathy :pensive:

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You’re right. Get wolfed


mmm salad


over/under on day 1 posts for this year’s anni (always bet under because the site’s gonna crash)

if i had to guess there will be at least 10 posts day 1

maybe a few more


I was gunna say this…
Get out of my head

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I love Sprigatito so much. I don’t think I buy S&V if not for weed cat. I even got this sticker and put it on my bookshelf.


It’s never moral to save the drowning child because they could grow up to be the kind of person who doesn’t save drowning children


Bad news everyone. Sora has been knocked out by a cup of coffee. Which is odd because coffee is meant to make you stay awake, not make you sleep.

oh boy crich has reached that part of the game

I think that “a bit” is an understatement.
If the Cop doesn’t die N1 it’s nearly always a win. If the cop does die N1 it’s still >rand win for village.

ive accidentally become a sprigatito but i dont really mind it

between funny weed cat and bingle and cute little kitty its hard to not love it

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N2 is fine still. N3 is the do or die. Like as soon as it gets past 3 clears the probability plummets, but up to 3 clears is manageable. If you’re not doing cop cover sometimes you wrench away clears as mafia by arguing it’s ambiguous or whatever. I think the town win percentage was like 60% though? I don’t think it was outrageous.

But, the problem is with evaluating setups on cool possible plays as opposed to probable ones is that you can theoretically make every setup infinitely complex in a game like mafia. That isn’t how you should look at the perspective of complexity, it mostly boils down to “how much choices have to e made in an average game” which, with the cop in game itself that narrows down the amount of choices that has to be made. Regardless of if it’s optimal for VTs to play as normally as possible, even though I do agree my opinion dictates such, that doesn’t change the crux of my argument of that “a higher social ceiling will always lead to more complex play than if town has a mechanical pivot”. Said meta of the cop13er is just hypoclaiming, a practice in which it doesn’t really add complexity itself to the game. It adds a new thing you do, but if you do that every game it’s just a thing. It’s not as if said hypoclaiming revolutionizes or changes the game in a significant way, which you yourself should recognize. Once the cop dies, which; presuming even half decent wolf play will be relatively early, then the game is reduced to less complicated than a 15er in mountainous, yes? So, if we assume the cop lives, it’s also less complex than mountainous since now town has a near confirmed win since the cop lived past N1, with presumably 3 clears in a 10v3 environment. Therefor, the majority of the game will always be “less” complicated.

When the game is at it’s most complex is D1, everything otherwise the game is unrefutably less complex than the game type I’m arguing for mountainous. And even then, you can do some quirky plays in mountainous that you cant really do in cop13er, IE: NKA has been my main consistent argument, and it’s much more prevalent here. Players may engage in said complexity, but they may also do so in modes like vanilla, which is what I’m arguing here. And, once again; if a cop lives till D3 like you’re claiming, and town doesn’t have a confirmed win that isn’t due to complexity, it’s due to them being not very good at the game (no disrespect).

I love bingle. Also damn you look like my sticker :flushed:

If a cop has 4 clears in a cop13er and they haven’t won the game that’s just due to the village not playing very smart sorry-

Imagine village losing a Cop 13er, with the Cop having a N0 greencheck.

(If the cop is N1d then that’s a different story.
If the cop is not N1d then yeah you just shouldn’t lose-)

tbh i think ur both wrong about cop13 but im going to go to sleep instead of arguing my point


No, argue your point or perish.