Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread


i think cop 13er would be a less misleading title if there were actually 13 cops


I donā€™t really consider NKA to be all that complex. Itā€™s the same axis as social stuff and thereā€™s not really much to dig your teeth into. However I think that adding new parts to the game that add layers to the social elements as well as literal mechanical layers, and these things are non-trivial, your setup is more complex. Again, you can choose to opt out like you can with mechanics always, but that doesnā€™t obviate that those additional parts and layers exist, and the existence of those non-trivial and interconnected parts and layers is complexity.

Iirc they need 5 for auto. I agree itā€™s really unlikely wolves can win with 4 clears but itā€™s not auto. They have to go for the cc essentially. Again this kind of shit is why itā€™s more complex. The fact that we can argue about it for this long and discuss it is evidence of the complexity.

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They need 6 for auto, but they need 3 to basically have auto with a competent village.

I donā€™t see why them being locked into one choice at the given time makes it more complex.

Bookmarked message, will be going to sleep tn and checking this tmr.

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Oh also
Fun debate so far ^w^


People got upset at me for walking out of the fire alarmed building barefootā€¦

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is that still happening

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Somebody insisted on lending me her crocs. When I was a kid and I was mad in the wintertime I would go out and walk barefoot on the ice until I physically couldnā€™tā€¦ itā€™s fun to me

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No it happened a while ago Iā€™m just still thinking about it

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My mom made me stop walking barefoot mostly because they put gravel with lead in it on the road but I still did it sometimes

No wait thereā€™s no way thatā€™s right. 6 peeks + cop requires it to be day 6 and at least 10 kills. 5 peeks + cop is day 5 with 8 dead and still doesnā€™t work out math wise. I think they need 4 peeks + cop to have auto on Day 4. It might actually be on day 3 if the wolves donā€™t kill either a cop or the copā€™s peek. But yeah Iā€™ve seen villages fuck up cops living to day 2 plenty of times and the villagers were generally competent. One such game is seared into my memory. This site needs the cupcake dog emote.

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Itā€™s so much more interesting. You have to think

Hookworm is scary man
I used to walk barefoot all the time until learning more about parasites lol

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Risk isnā€™t real to me

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Also I thought there was an actual fire because they never do drills I wasnā€™t gonna find my shoes

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Oh wait, I fucked up.
You only need 4 clears in order to have auto.
4 MLs needed for wolves to win.
So, living to D3 gives town auto presuming that no checked villagers were mislynched or killed.
Rare ofc, but point being that town sided-

Server lag.
Yeah, I messed up- I was being silly-