Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

thats what the mask is

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who up mascing (thinking about masculine men)


thibking about masculine woman sorry


who up masqueing (i am trying to avoid the red death)

Idk there are at least 3 of us right now talking to each about autism lol

no way

its funny. right as i posted this i got a ping on the furry club discord server. a message from god. thanking me for respecting his day


i think everyone does this to an extent but i imagine itā€™s more extreme for neurodivergent people or trans people yeah

cant lie i pretty much fuck it we ball act like myself. i however do not do this online because it is much easier to think before posting than thinking and having words come out of my mouth

if im not comfortable im a little bit toooo myself. brain goes a little overreactive

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everyone bullied me for being a nerd but now its my turn to bully you all for being bigger nerds

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womans privilege

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thatā€™s strange, i feel like most people are the opposite and can be more like themselves online


itā€™s taken me years and years of breaking down my internal walls before i could really start being anything close to myself even online


i remember i went to an autism focused middle school and one day we realized one particular plant that would pop up in grass-like tufts across the field was an onion-like thing when we dug up the roots and saw they were bulbs

and a bunch of my classmates got excited like ooh yeah wild onion but then i remembered omething i learned a while ago about it and looked it up to make sure, and sure enough, it was actually a kind of garlic

and i shared my discovery but they were all ADAMANT that it was an onion, i could send them literal screenshots proving otherwise but they stood their ground

this argument gradually devolved to just screaming ā€œONIONā€ and ā€œGARLICā€ at each other, then gradually re-evolved to sending each other encrypted messages in as many unexpected ways possible saying onion and garlic

one day i somehow mobilized all the younger students to my side, i donā€™t even think i did it intentionally because like how tf would i even do that, and that whole recess was just ā€œONIONā€ vs. ā€œGARLICā€ pandemonium that got so bad that the PE teacher had to intervene

and while she was telling us about how she didnā€™t wanna hear us ā€œarguing about onionsā€, some kid i didnā€™t even know, with a look of pure determined righteousness, interrupted her, screaming out, ā€œGARLICā€

and that was the last nail in the coffin from the teachersā€™ pov

god i love being autistic around autistic people and letting our autism feed off of each otherā€™s autism


wags tail

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omg me too

a lot of kids here get abandoned by their parents for being autistic

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tbh iā€™m not sure what iā€™d class as the actual me

there are some traits i share irl and online (like being a perfectionist), but the main difference is that i come across as stuck up about everything here whereas iā€™m pretty laid back irl


ah yeah. the inability to let go of an argument even when itā€™s clear you should, and the inability to really even shut the fuck up about it and silently let it go. classic.

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