Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

bold of you to assume I put literally any brainpower into contextualizing that as where you were or even why you were there

I just got to play geoguessr in the wild


Could it be ā€¦ someone designed it to be that way?

yeah it was me, no problem



It actually wonā€™t be that way forever. The moon is gradually getting further away and eventually it wonā€™t be able to cover the sun like it does and cause an eclipse. Iā€™m pretty sure the opposite was true at one point and it used to completely cover the sun. We just happen to live in a time where we get solar eclipses.


whatā€™s the timescale on this anyways

and how does it stack up to human history

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a quick google search suggests we have 650 million years until eclipses donā€™t work which is far enough out as to basically not matter

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not sure when they started but theyā€™re going to last ~500-600 million more years

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I think itā€™s probably not unlikely to assume then that for as long as humans have been a thing weā€™ve had sick eclipses

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Really weird and bizarre and seemingly unbelievable coincidences happen all the time (mathematically speaking, itā€™d be weird if freak coincidences like that didnā€™t happen with some regularity). Itā€™s extremely common for humans to look for and attribute deeper meaning to these coincidences. Thereā€™s even for a word for it: apophenia. A classic example of an apophany (and even theophany I think) is the identification of constellations. The big dipper is up there looking like a big dipper! Itā€™s really hard for us, as humans, to really internalize and understand that thereā€™s no meaning to it looking like that. Like a way to detect if something is unnatural is if there are literally no patterns we can find it because thatā€™s extraordinarily unusual and belies an intentionality behind its lack of visible patterns. Weā€™re just really good pattern recognition machines, and really like to believe thereā€™s meaning behind it. Itā€™s just how weā€™re wired.


Yeah, itā€™s one of things weā€™re fortunate the timing happened to line up this way.

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fortune tellers moment

youā€™re like my dad, in that i know youā€™re neurotypical and at the same time i utterly refuse to believe it


also im ngl the constellations arenā€™t actually patterns unless youā€™re exceptionally bored and have nothing to do with your time but stare at the night sky and come up with shit

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hanging out with yā€™all does in fact have downsides for my sanity

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which to be clear is like totally valid if that was your life but in the modern day I have higher standards for what constitutes a drawing of a bear

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if a two year old can do better it ainā€™t a bear sorry not sorry


ok look, Iā€™m not going to defend ā€œursa major is a bear,ā€ but Iā€™m willing to defend ā€œthe big dipper is a dipperā€


wow ok