Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

Humans for a really long time didn’t have much to do at night besides look at the stars in the night sky and tell stories. And it’s so much more vivid when you get away from light pollution. I remember being in the grand canyon and looking up at the night sky and being amazed at how much more of it I could see.

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I, too, remember being the grand canyon

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yes, I was explicitly acknowledging that lol

also if your idea of a dark night sky is the grand canyon you ain’t seen shit

has gender ideology gone too far?


Light Pollution is a pox upon humanity’s existence

I deserve to be able to go outside, look at the night sky and understand that yes, God/the gods exist, because why else would I have such a gorgeous view?

Instead I get a scattering of white dots that is probably better than anything in a big city, but not nearly enough to satisfy.

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Yeah but that’s what I’m saying. That was wild to me and it was still affected by light pollution. That’s an extremely recent development in human history that we fucking dimmed the night sky for ourselves

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I have to send an email and I really don’t wanna

I have to do 2 presentations and I really don’t wanna

I have to reschedule and study for an exam and I really don’t wanna

Why is doing things so hard

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That is a real fucking question

anyways this has been a good reminder that I need to go to antarctica

hi miss words, im katze

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Antartica sure is a place that exists
(I think it would be neat to go, but I know that I never will (severe doubts as to whether I’ll ever actually go to a country outside of America tbh))

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take it back




I think I might have left my headphones at the hotel where I stayed Friday night. is it worth calling them to ask if they were turned into the ?lost-and-found?

(relevantly I have already left Indianapolis, so even if the answer is ‘yes’ I’d still need to get them to ship them to me)

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