Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

how much did they cost

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if its below 60 dollars do not even bother

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if its above you should probably try but odds are you are shit outta luck

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idk, they were a birthday present

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well what are they

also if you would be happy to pay for shipping then the answer is just yes regardless

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sometimes gifts carry emotional weight not directly tied to the value of the product, we can’t tell you that bit

Soundcloud Life Q20, no particular sentimental value

presumably you mean soundcore not soundcloud

unless soundcloud is putting out headphones now lmfao

so yeah I mean worst case scenario you call, ask how much it’ll be to ship it, and then choose to not pay

but that would v likely be cheaper than buying a replacement set?

so if you like them I’d say go for it

that being said

wtf is this lel

Looks like a pretty accurate graph of the initial high I receive after snorting cocaine, and the subsequent aftermath.


why is 5-6k just gone

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why is 1k so high

5-6k going from my bank account is usual after a healthy cocaine purchase.

Yeah, a kilo is going for that much nowadays.


idk what this means

deffo a weird profile


I’ve found them to mostly be fine but they’re a little bit tight, if I were replacing them an option that was slightly taller might be better? if that makes sense? I don’t see dimensions on the page though so idk how I’d find that

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for the least helpful context I could possibly give, here’s my headphones for comparison

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these lines are made of line