Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread


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tbthbthbthtbhtbthb I haven’t seen either of these
but I’d probably hear these either as their meaning (unlikely), or “woo two” and “wooboo 2” (more likely)

I don’t often see them either I just think “internet slang popular with teenager” is funy

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May how do you hear ‘ngl’

I read it as “wuh-you-uh-two”

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I hear it as the ‘ng’ sound followed by ‘l’

It’s important to note that if I, like, pause to read a message, I’ll read all these out as their full meanings. I don’t, like, actually Think the acronym Is pronounced that way. But when I’m scanning everything’s reduced to base syllables

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Something like that works for me too yeah

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how do you read thbthbthtbhtbhtbhtbthb


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There’s a lot of words which I only see in text where I just, like, picked a couple syllables to represent the word in my mind and never bothered looking at every letter/syllable. It can result in me mispronouncing the words 'cause I just never looked to see exactly how they were spelled

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I think I’ve done this with some words too

I don’t make such mix-ups about words I’ve ever heard before in my life, nor do I make the mix-ups once I know how the word is pronounced, or if I’m asked to look at the word and see how it’s pronounced. It’s not, like, a fundamental inability? I don’t think I’m dyslexic? I think I just read really fast and don’t bother to look at spellings unless prompted

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may how do you pronounce carbocation

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Like “litigation” I always just swapped to “ligitation”

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Huh. So you like split the difference on sub-vocalizing vs not by eliding lol. If I’m reading casually, the voice in my head reads it like I’d say it. If I’m trying to read it quickly, I don’t really have a voice in my reading it, I just read it.

is this a word
I haven’t seen it but I’d say “carbo” as in carbohydrates, and “cation” as in vacation