Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

Easy: anything academic
Difficult: walking, sending emails

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i forget everything and im ok with that


Waking up

We are really different people!!!

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not all homeschooling is bad, but the system in the US is so deeply and darkly fucked in so many places, but the homeschooling lobbying organization is insanely influential so it rarely gets better. i was going to give examples, but it’s too depressing after typing it out and i decided it’s best to not subject everyone to it. the john oliver video goes into it and more.


my boyfriend forgets more. he tells me stories like 4 times and forgets he said it. this doesnt bother me at all and in fact i really like it because he genuinely doesnt have the memory to keep a lie going and i value honesty


I have a classmate that had some weird memory issues, I asked them about something we did or they did in the past that I wanted more info on and they be like “I did that??? I don’t remember”

Then the next year they no longer had such problems from what I could tell

also my own personal lack of memory is nice because it means i can not focus on negative feelings and focus on the present knowing eventually i will just forget what made me upset


i do have a memory for, like, random details of things. just not events in my life

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i just got good memory its one of my 5 skills

what’s it like being divinely favored?


You know when I watch countless of Romanian journalist documentaries about how horrible my country is. I feel more relieved when I just think of the USA :relieved:

me: “i wonder what i should do after work today”
my brain: “hey remember that thing we did that you <feel extremely negative about in some way>”
me: “ah I see so we’re doing nothing fun after work today”


its nice. honestly helpful to forget so often. its harder for me to harbor negative feelings etc

on some ends it sucks, like i forget why I avoided someone or didnt talk to them very much, and would continue to get hurt by then time and time again in the “down” periods where things seemed normal

but generally i like living in the present

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me: says something sort of awkward
my brain: “thanks for giving entertainment for the next WEEK sister”


Though how come you guys are in top of medical research, medical equipment and proper hospital cleaness? No fair! We’re getting dirty hospitals with cockroaches who has nurses that complain really loudly if you happen to cry over not knowing what disease your child has because you did not pay the bribe expected from you.


/fully serious

i used to hold on to embarrassing moments but now i hones

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can’t remember many lol

I can remember really vividly my earliest memories. I think I remember being born? (I was seeing full black)

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