Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

im sorry bestie. i would not wish eastern europe upon my worst enemy and i certainly wouldn’t on a friend like u…

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we have more money


im p sure u phsyically can’t remember being born or anything like that, but u can think that u can

well, 1) we’re an embarrassingly rich nation 2) we have privatized healthcare which means that medical research that results in a good drug means the manufacturer can charge a 1000% markup and make bank which incentivizes the research.


I think if I bother to stay to remember my memories from primary school I think I can do that aswell.

I wonder when will we reach a stage where money won’t be such an eternal pressing matter

i couldnt name a thing that happened before like 6. and then like maybe 20 things that happened before 10ish

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its gotten worse recently i feel like it wasnt this bad 3-4 yrs ago but w/e

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my memory before high school is basically Gone for Reasons

i remember somet hings. basically nothing. most of 8th grade but thats about it

my memory after hs started is p good tho

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i have a few ‘memories’ which are things i remember remembering but have no connection to what originally happened lol

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in our lifetimes probably never
unless people get really cool all of a sudden

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I remember ~most of the times i was upset

i do think writing down my experiences helps with memory, and why my memory is honestly best for the times when i was on forum (with kind of a noticeable gap in my year off)

i could keep a diary but there are many things id rather forget so i choose not to

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i should take notes on life tho cuz i always forget i have things to do. outlook calendar helps a ton with this

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idk I’m pretty sure we already collectively have enough knowledge and manpower to make sure every person on earth has access to food, clean water, and shelter. the US certainly could take care of all of its citizens with our GDP if we wanted to and there was enough political will. like if we want to take this to an extreme and control where people live, I’m not sure it would be all that hard and we’d have plenty of resources leftover. However, we instead choose to let people starve, suffer from preventable/curable illnesses, and go unhoused.


For kindergarten I remember my first day of school. I don’t remember what I did in the morning, though after they brought me to it, I was waiting in a colorful room alone and then I SAW MY PARENTS LEAVE I THOUGHT THEY WERE ABANDONATING ME and started to cry. But then after 5 minutes the educator came and calmed me down and that
somehow worked
Then there was another kid that entered the room and cried for the entire kindergarten session day and I was staying there like :neutral_face:

The teacher was blonde with brown eyes and had black makeup, oh and she would usually dress in dark clothing. Though she’s really moody in a bad mood. (Fastforward to 7th grade during a holiday celebration, she moved to primary education and she did have a smile on her face so I think she’s better now. I am saying this because I was a kid and one day she broke down crying and I was like dumb and did not understand what was that and I still don’t know why).

Anyways we all sat down in a circle and

Memory cassette stopped playing, I don’t remember what happened then folks, my memories are mute, they do NOT have an audio feature, I wish I could remember what they were even talking about? What else could you talk during the 1st day of kindergarten? I think the teacher introduced herself? But I never ever got her name, but anyways

I was REALLY excited when my parents came back and I hurried them back home and hopped on my laptop to probably play some


cw: mentions of gay, sex, gay sex and the government

not even the lions can be gay


yes im sure they learned it. this is definitely new behavior never before documented

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