Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

you can’t just cw something with the exact words that you’re allegedly warning about


Thank you lili, I was just googling that

i remember my 5th day of kindergarten school. i remember being inconsolably sad because my mom packed a lunch but it was pizza day and i really wanted pizza but also knew i wasnt supposed to buy lunch so i was really sad

also the first day she wrote a nice message on a napkin and put it in my lunch box, but i didnt see it and threw it out, then she asked if i got the message and I was again inconsolably sad because i threw it out

and then nothing else from that year

(i do remember being super sentimental and kind of a hoarder, i wouldnt throw things out or give them away because of the memories associated)



what’s even the point

cw: apples



There is no winning here

my brother and I were allowed to pick and choose which X days per month we wanted to buy, so we’d just mark the monthly lunch calendar

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i got school lunches for free so i ate school lunches

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in 2nd grade my mom stepped on a centipide and i spent HOURS sobbing crying because of it. in my defense i was in 2nd grade

2-3 weeks ago i accidentally stepped on a worm and also spent hours crying about it. it was a rough week


they sucked btw. id only eat the cheese sandwhiches bc it was all so icky yucky. i remember them being stale

im starting to think we’re the same person

most of my time in primary school was spent inconsolably weeping

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same. I had a brief intermission from like 5th-10th grade of not doing that, and then i began crying daily again


now i cry like weekly which is a better rate


my parents never made me lunches :(

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it was daily when i went back to texas for winter break. i think texas just makes me sob mostly

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i also couldnt breathe and would completely shut down and like. looking back. idk why got speech therapy before regular therapy

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I don’t think about it when I do stuff like this. I can’t throw stuffed animals away because it makes me sad. Jenna gave me a penguin stuffed animal of hers when she came down to visit me before we moved in together because I really liked sleeping with it when I was visiting her. I still have it, and it’s getting a bit dirty. I was talking to Jenna about it like “I need to figure out how to clean penguin without hurting him.” She said “we can just go get a new one” and I like shouted “no” in horror.



i like reached an event horizon and now i just barely cry. i took the curl up in a ball route on the skill tree

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which is to say that if i accidentally kill an innocent little critter (that’s not an invasive species causing net harm to the local flora/fauna) i genuinely cannot let myself think about it before it becomes a thing I feel really bad about.