Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

ftr this was not just me being a recluse, quite literally everyone else i knew still had exams or assignments spread throughout the entire period and so were too busy to do stuff with

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I’ve got two exams on Wednesday, an additional one I rescheduled to Friday, and then two projects to present on Thursday and Friday. I also presented a project literally a minute ago


Exams issue

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I’m not taking mine for another month

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You’re 11 years old


i have exams next week and theyre at a reasonable time for normal people. unfortunately i am not a normal people


Holy shit


fortunately my estrogen levels are elevated at the moment, allowng me to settle into a new sleep schedule using the fatigue, and they’ll be going more in line soon so the fatigue won’t affect my exams


i dont have finals for more than a month but my midterms are always just in place of classes


Oh these aren’t final exams these are just. Everybody decided to have Exam 3 at the same time


I have separate finals later


my final and also only exams for the year are at the start of Easter Term and I am so normal about this

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“fuck you do exams. okay now just relax and learn things passively with a few assignments for the rest of the term. we love you <3”

truly Cambridge is a mystifying institution

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last semester i had two back to back finals on the first day of finals week and my only other actual final on the second. and then everything else was freeform like an essay due before the week was over or whatever. reading day was on the Wednesday for some reason so it was after all my actual time sensitive finals were over


Last semester all my classes didn’t even have their finals during Finals Week. They just used regular class time to hold them, and I didn’t even have to take some because they wouldn’t improve my grade.

…except my final for Physics One, which was a full two weeks after literally anything else I had to do for any of my classes. At 8AM. I just took the 3-hour drive home and then back

my apologies ur magesty <3

download (8)


I’ve had some midterms that are in place of class and some that are outside of it

on the extreme end, one midterm I had was outside of class and started at 7PM, and I only walked out of that room shortly before 12:30 AM

I think I just missed a final for an online class once. I can’t even remember what class it was, I just remember it by the pit of despair forming in my stomach and that the professor told me I couldn’t take it. I still regularly have stress dreams about school, but never about the work. Just about forgetting assignments or exams or forgetting lectures (which is weird because I made myself go to every lecture no matter what after my disaster of a first semester where I regularly slept through them for a class I loved but had to drop because of how behind I was getting.)


I was not the last person out

oh are you at cambridge

which college

I applied to St Catharines iirc but they did not let me in

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