Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

All my school stress dreams are about classes i took 5 years ago and are things that never happened but i always feared
Like completely blanking and failing a calc exam and having to retake the class, or missing a physics lab and flunking

They feel sooo real

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I also have stress dreams about high school band
Like forgetting my dress clothes when we have a concert, or messing up a solo, or leaving my clarinet at home



oh my god you were a band kid

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clarinet player at that

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I love learning but Iā€™m genuinely such a mess of a student. School occupies this weird space of being this thing that I am fond of having got through and deeply appreciate the things I learned during my time there, but it was also a deeply harrowing journey where I repeatedly made huge logistical fuckups. I would never have any idea when registration opened or what classes I needed, and it became this vicious cycle where my anxiety ratcheted up so high about that kind of stuff, it made it that much more difficult to engage with it. I think my greatest accomplishment is having actually graduated in spite of being an unmitigated disaster the entire time. If I was organized, did all of my assignments, and studied I could have done anything I wanted. But I am who I am

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i donā€™t see why which specific college is relevant information, but yes, I do history at Cambridge University


It makes perfect sense once you think about it

yeah like i mean its chloe of course they are. but still

sending my old school negative energy with my mind

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I havenā€™t had a notable stress dream in a hot minute (last I remember was 2019), but I did recently dream a well-known Omega Strikers player and I for no reason I really understand got roped into some group that blew up a building at some university or another (location unspecified, but not any irl college Iā€™ve actually been to)

I did not want to hurt anybody, but I also didnā€™t rat anybody out, so make of that what you will

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chloe being a band kid is about as surprisiing as me being a theatre kid: not at all


Iā€™m just curious

i mean the thing is that i chose for all my records to be private so this wouldnā€™t exactly doxx me, but also the history class at my college individually, ignoring all the other ones, is precisely 8 people, so,


I have these too but way more rarely. I forgot my shoes once but lived only 5 minutes away so as soon as the bell rang I got in my car and tried to zoom home. I got pulled over by a cop who was parked just outside the school. I was going 25 in a 25 but it was 15 because it was a school zone that literally just became active. Nightmare.

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super valid reason to not share

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the college system at cambridge is weird but it is effective, iā€™ll give it that
i do quite like having many experts acting as my personal tutors alongside some of the most interesting lecturing in the world


I was a band kid and I shouldā€™ve been a theater kid as well. A big regret is never doing it when I was a teenager.

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thatā€™s only possible due to three things:

  • small class sizes
  • incredibly selective acceptance criteria
  • absolutely absurd amount of stolen wealth accumulated over the course of centuries

what are your plans post-graduation

I know from other people I know who majored in history that finding an actually relevant job post-graduation can be tough

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