Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

fishhhhhhhh and chippppssssss?

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I wonder, wasnā€™t the entire point of going to USA because of the enlightenment era? The one that was opposing church and kings?

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Well thereā€™s more to it than that but Iā€™m sure heā€™ll figure it out

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no the USA was a slaver state first and foremost the idealism was just self-justification for that


in order to perform intensely extractive monocultural agriculture you need forced labour and land. all the land in Europe is already in use, so you go to America and pretend the land there isnā€™t already in use, and then you colonise it with slave labour




that isnā€™t to say the rich landowners who over time establish the United States didnā€™t have ideals of religious and social freedoms, they absolutely did, but economically speaking the whole thing never gets going without barbarous crimes against Africans and the natives alike


too many big words brain fried

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Yeah and the puritans went to the US for ā€œreligious freedomā€ and not because of a coup or whatever. You probably know what Iā€™m gesturing at better than I do. Itā€™s also not a coincidence that colonialism, a thing ruinous for everyone but the colonizers, came about immediately following the enlightenment.


its okay silly bionic chipi chipi chapa chapa

let me play you a youtube shorts video of a car running down a track or satisfying videos of stuff being made or cut to grab your zoomer attention


Just who doesnā€™t love abuse, especially when you preach of God

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to be fair, it wasnā€™t just the puritans. the Quakers who founded the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, of the thirteen colonies the one with the least awful relations with the indigenous folk of the land, did genuinely flee persecution.


here watch this muffinhead

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i want to make utterly clear that I think the most neutral historical position on the founding of America is that it was a twisted mix of genuine idealism and gross self-interest, and also that these foundations do not disqualify America from being an admirable project in the future.

itā€™s simply the responsibility of the American people to bring restitution and to create a land truly dedicated to freedom, rather than to itsā€™ colonial pretense


For sure, but I was referencing the Puritans specifically. And fuck the Puritans

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oh yeah the Puritans were insane. if anyone else had taken over after the English Civil War weā€™d be in a republic right now


The what

Us not annexing Cuba after the Spanish American war is probably the only true example of praxis of American idealism. As a nation weā€™ve failed to live up to it pretty much every other time but like to pretend we didnā€™t.

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ok i watched it for a while i can see why ipad kids like this kind of stuff now


very complicated issue but basically for like 30 years we didnā€™t have a King, we instead had Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell, who was a King in all but name who did unfathomably awful things to everyone in Ireland

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