Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

what i’m hearing is average fol user is a washed up has been


which checks out




i mean being average. having an average life feels average. HOWEVER now we get to talk about what i consider average and what i consider weird
having absolutely no discernable “niche” isnt average which i assume is what you mean when you say it isnt average. most people are better at some things than others. not the same thing thats why theyre better than others but theyre still fairly standard.
like im not normal. shocker. im also not exactly “queer group” normal either. im fringe

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when i say normal i mean “unique in a normal way” if that makes sense. a standard amount of differing from the norm. i am very smart

oops i didnt mean to say that last part ignore that

Yeah sure. The context was like being average across like various skills or whatever. I also know what you’re talking about though.

yeah the first part of what i said was related but then i just took the chance to talk about being normal

I think normal is contextual. So in that sense, no one is normal intrinsically or in all circumstances. The most milquetoast cishet person is an outlier in a group of queer people. We’re all unique in the strictest sense, but I think all* of us have a community in which we belong and are normal.

*I’m sure you could come up with an exception like you could with any general statement, but it weakens the point I’m trying to make because I am actively discouraging you and anyone else who reads this from thinking they could possibly be an exception.

thats kind of my point
also you can definitely be the most unique one of a kind person and still fit in. not being normal is not the same as being an outcast. in my brain at least

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  1. They handed out brownies in my physics class and I was the only one who wasn’t given one because they ran out
  2. Apparently my 2 professors for physics had a bet about how well I would do on the exam??? This course has 9 sections there are so many students why me

you’re very memorable


What were their predictions tho

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IDK but the professor who runs my lab section won and I got a perfect score so I suppose the lecture professor bet against me (I haven’t gone to a lecture since the start of the semester)


does the lecture professor even know you exist how did this bet come to be


I don’t know???

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He was running my lab section for a couple classes before the other guy took over so he has at least seen my face

virgin lecture professor: “May never shows up for lecture. there’s no way May is gonna do well”
chad lab professor: “I bet you May gets a perfect score anyway”


I highly doubt he even knows I never show up for lecture given how big the lecture section is

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