Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

I am not very employable due to my various illnesses

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My goal is survive next week and donā€™t go insane next week and thatā€™s gotten me this far

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i didnt survive covid. i was reborn something different

cant you do that in a room?

I mean idk about that, there is always a solution

its called doing drugs and dying at 26


The latter is questionable because left without a schedule or a physical necessity to walk places I tend to get very unhealthy habits. Iā€™m too bad habits ot regularly exercise or sleep on a healthy schedule or etc

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its my personal gameplan if the whole life thing goes downhill


I worked in a kitchen before, soā€¦
It was forced to be closed, when COVID started to become serious, and I did not to go back. (I literally gave them my notice a few weeks prior, so they knew I wonā€™t.)

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That would be very sad tho. Like even if it works out for you, everyone who cares about you the most will be very sad

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I think I could probably hold a job but definitely not alongside classes

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im not actually gonna do drugs and die at 26. iā€™m gonna do drugs but somehow live long enough to have and raise children and pass down those same bad habits to them like my father before me and his father before him did


Can you not like force yourself? Like use your will to force yourself to do X or Y?

Thats weirdly wholesome

Well, I donā€™t keep up with anyone from there. They were strictly collegues instead of friends like the people I work with now.

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Iā€™m terrible at forcing myself to do things. I always go ā€œwell I could just not do thatā€ and unless thereā€™s extremely immediate pressure I will simply not do it

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my dads favorite song is ā€œheroinā€ by the velvet underground because apparently the only drug heā€™s never done is heroin but he likes to think itā€™s a lot like the song


I have to engineer scenarios that force me to do the thing with some kind of real, immediate time pressure thatā€™s not set by me. Like, ā€œI have to walk, because I have to walk to the dining hall or I will starveā€

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There is no way thats the only drug

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he told me this while drunk driving me to whataburger at 3am

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