Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

Maybe my childhood friends and I just weren’t invested in keeping the relationships alive but I also feel like the hobbies that we share are just much more conducive to online communities than the hobbies that most “normal” people have


Yea permanently. Always and forever

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I have never used social media in my entire life, and I didnt have internet before I was 14

I also, like, have no desire to maintain friendships that don’t share work or interests with me. Even childhood ones

Also people IRL just have a different. Sort of. Approach to discussion and talk and such. How do I put this.

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I put a bit of stock in blood ties now (it used to be zero) but still not that much compared to shared work or hobbies

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This is why I tell her to exercise, everyone


I like talking to people who are better than me. In some regard. Online people will readily show you how they are better than you. In real life not somuch

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I think cool people are cool


I didnt have that luxury unfortunately. No internet till I was 14, and only really had access when I was 17

This is phrased in a nonsense way but there is something I’m trying to express

You fuys are cool

What do you mean better then you? How is one person better then another?

Nobody knows how to PARRY my bragging IRL. Well not knows ohw. That’s just not how polite interaction like usually works. But that’s what I want them to do

Internet does have some adverse effects by using it, especially if you see or are into the dark parts of it. Pretty nice that you weren’t on the internet as a kid.

You’d be skibidi toiletified!

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Fair. Not everyone has the same work situation and admittedly I’m biased because of trust issues on my part.

I have been on dark parts of the internet, but not like the sexual dark part

I have never bought something tho, that would be a crime

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I mean you dont really brag tho

I’m better than everybody so it’s not possible for people to be better than me. But also with different metrics and standards somebody else could be actually the peak example ofbeing a human being and not me. I like to talk to people who, like. None of he ways I can think of to phrase this communicate what I actually want.

I don’t like when people treat me like I am trying to be better htan them, and especially not like I am successfully better than them. And so I like talking to people who have some significant skill or trait that I do not