Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

That’s becuse youre online and I’m online and and what I do is normal here

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I am thinking that May is really shy in real life, but definetly lets out all of her talkativeness to us online strangers


Im really bad with sarcasm btw, do you like actually think your better then everyone else or naw

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It’s a good thing that I at least share some of my hobbies with my family. (And none of us tell immediately no for other’s hobbies without at least experiencing it first.)

But I’m the one in the family who use english commonly, so I have language barrier to get them into forum mafia.

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I suppose it’s not even just “better than me”, it’s that IRL I mainly meet poeple in the context of university and so it’s a lot of people who share similar goals and places in life to me. And I’m good in school so it often takes on an uncomfortable tone of competition or betterness. And I don’t like that

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It’s complicated. I am the best at being a person by my own standards. But they are my standards precisely because they’re what I’m best at. So I say that I am better than eveybody else, like, semi-sarcastically. I’m aware that by most defintions of the words it’s wrong but it’s a phrasing of something I kind of believe


idk if I was just numb to it all or not, but my uni was one of the most competitive in the US, but I didnt think it was competitive at all. My high school tho, that was hell on earth

I like talking to people who are substantially different from me in experience such that they have other skills that I do not and that I can leran from I think is a big one

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It’s not even that it’s competitive. I win the competition against most people. And the people who actually compete with me are also tired and humble and don’t give a shit. It’s the feeling that I am the competition

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But what does it mean to be the “best at being a person”

I dodged that feeling by being an irl ghost. People forgot I existed, and I evaded people’s ire

It’s a completely meaningless and subjective metric. So I may as well design the version of it in my head so that I pass with flying colours

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I mean you can set some objective metric. Like if you determine how good a person is by how much money they have, then you got an objective measurement

That has an inherent obvious issue tho lmao


But the judgement that having money is what makes a person the best is a subjective measurement. There ultimately has to be some kind of judgement call informed by values here

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Hm I thought of a better way to phrase it: I like talking to people who will not readily feel like they are worse than me

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Or like I’m trying to make them feel like they’re worse htanme

Idk, I dont rank people based off metrics like “best”, just like I dont have a “best” friend, cuz I dont need to. I dont need to confine myself and my world in boundaries, so I dont

If you live in the same place and have the same standards and get grades in the same classes then there’s so much direct comparison. One of you is always going to be “the better version” of the archetypal student at X school. If I talk to people who live completely different lives in completely different places from me, there is literally no way to compare our achievements


Thats only true if you care about and accept that judgement. I couldnt care less about other peoples uninformed opinions about stuff like that, so I dont ever even think about it.