Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

Yah and the way I use “better than” here is like. Tongue-in-cheek. It’s the concept of ranking itself that makes me uncomfortable: the idea that in a conversation me and hte other person are comparing ourselves and seeing who is Better. And I don’t like the feeling that this is happening

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Nobody is better then me, nobody is worse then me, because only I am me


The problem for me is not that I am making this ranking and being upset by it. It’s the feeling that the other person is making this ranking and that the context of the social interaction will inevitably be coloured by it. I don’t care. I jut worry that others care

I should exercise too. (I hate exercising.) But i need to make myself at least a bit more fit for my sister’s marriage in two and a half month.

Or buy a new suit, but exercising is cheaper.

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idk about other people, but I literally never do that, because I dont care

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Yeah and that’s why I like interacting with you

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Why do you care what the other person thinks, fuck em

Good mentality

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To some extent, I think im to extreme in this, but its hard to change

Cause when people feel uncomfortable or insecure in front of me I flinch


My “awesome empathy powers” as alleged by people who probably spend too much money on Healing Crystals

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Oh I cant tell other ppl’s emotions if its not super obvious, so that might explain a bit. its either I cant tell or I dont want to, and idk which it is

@Someone can you explain to me how having a higher salary helps mental health wise? Money would never motivate me at my current job, and i am going to finish my degree, but only for learning’s sake and i don’t really see why I would want to follow it into a career. Basically, I’m saying that I doubt I would ever want to give up my current career given how much I would miss the yelling, the exercise, the excitement, the freedom it gives me, and being on my feet all day, but I’m interested in hearing a different take from someone on the opposite end of the solitude tolerance scale


Higher salary means you can afford more cats


If somebody shouts, they are usually angry.
I can’t really tell apart other emotions either.

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Its not the salary that helps directly, its having saved a ton of money to where nobody has power over you anymore, and you can do whatever you want for the rest of your life, and nobody else can stop you

But I thought you’re generally unempathetic…


Basically what I am saying in the conversation, outside of all better-than sarcasm, is that. I like talking to people who lead substantially different lives from me, because it destroys any feeling of competition and allows me to learn more from them. People who also go tom y university necessarily lead very similar lives and so I like talking to htem less than random people online


That sounds boring to me. Admittedly, i enjoy being berated when I know i deserve it

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