Depends what you’re hoping to accomplish?
Pushups work your arms and your core, but not your legs, and they’re not that efficient at burning calories
Mostly burning calories.
(I am usually running on threadmill, but that’s not an option now.)
I feel gym macchines don’t help a ton with weight loss
It makes me keep my pace instead of running in the wild.
Run outside maybe? For calorie burn running is king
I can run outside in any weather or temperature since I have compression shirts, running gloves, and other relevant gear
Also remember to not eat alot of junk food if you want to weight loss.
Easy to say, hard to do
Count your calories if you need to. But yeah running I can burn 1,000 calories an hour if I wanted
I removed most junk foods from my diet about a month ago.
Changing to drink water instead of soft drinks is the next step.
Some calories are more valuable than others. Protein > unsaturated fats > fiber > complex carbs >>> simple carbs > saturated fats > sugar
Try flavored sparkling water. I love that stuff
And if you want sugar, try to eat those from fructose (fruits)
Whole fruits are best, so you get fiber
There goes the question:
Aren’t those technically soft drinks?
But honestly I consider the amount of caloric deficit to be a good amount more important than diet if you’re trying to lose weight
Not really. Since no calories or sugar. Carbonation is not the problem just the sugar
If you can’t find a way to burn over 1,500 calories a day on average then no matter what your diet is burning even 5 lb is going to be a challenge
I meant the “flavored” part.
I was planning drinking sparkling water anyway.
Flavored things do sound like they’d have artificial flavor in them
Artificial sweeteners are arguably even shittier than sugar. But sparkling water doesn’t have those either
Nah it’s just “natural flavorings”. If there were any artificial sweeteners they would have to disclose