Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

paranoia intensifies

Well i donā€™t seek it out for no reason. Iā€™m not that insane. But I do pursue danger consistently

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Iā€™ve had these symptoms since I was a little kid, like four years old, constantly complained of knee pain and all the x-rays showed nothing, and it took until I was 13 for anything remotely related to be diagnosed


Shoot the pickle jar

I opened a jar of salsa recently

See my grandmother was like obsessed with diseases, to the point where she had like a book of diseases she would read to make sure she didnt have anything. Unfortunately the disease she did have was one where you cant know about it

why r u scaring me :frowning:

im sure its fine

can say the same. we figured this out, all of us as a family recently here. me my sister and my dad have it but itā€™s really really easy to slip through.

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If you do have such an illnessā€¦ you already have it. It doesnā€™t particularly intensify with age, AFAIK. You will continue to feel what is ā€œnormalā€ for you - the only difference is knowing that thatā€™s not what is normal for others. To have a name for it doesnā€™t make your symptoms worse, it only assists with making things better.

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is there some reason fol has a higher incidence of may disease than the general public


Ok so denial is just better then, ok thats good to know

its worth noting that pain can get worse with age but in the same way that everyones pain gets worse with age because they are getting older

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I sit around a lot, its possible its just that. idk denial is best

man hears ā€œknowing you have it makes things exclusively better and not worseā€ and says ā€œyeah denialā€™s the way to go hereā€


My other addictions:
Running while singing to metal
Grimdark novels
Star wars legends lore videos (especially grand admiral thrawn and darth plagueis)
Blackberry Sparkling water
White claw
Greek yogurt with blueberries
Almond butter

No like if it doesnt get worse, then I would prefer to not know

Ignorance is bliss

yeah we all kind of group together. worth noting that people with eds have a higher likelihood of being autistic. and fol has a higher likelihood of being autistic

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have you tried cheating