Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

I’m not taking shots at you-in-particular with that statement, it’s just a true statement

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I’ve heard way worse lol

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orange unironically quasi-defending ‘no tolerance’ rules was not on my bucket list lol


bucket list? 2024 bingo card. im tired


it’s pretty obvious, for example, that somebody taunting and bullying somebody verbally to the point where their victim hits them is in fact partially responsible for disrupting the school day

just because you didn’t initiate the physical violence doesn’t absolve you from responsibility for your actions


orange this is an orange moment


really? it was my center


shoutout to that mom who drove her daughter to another kid’s house and encouraged her to go jump the other kid after she got off the bus

and then once her daughter started losing the fight hopped out of her car and ran over to pin the kid down so her daughter would have an easier time of it


This is true, rules like this are in place to avoid escalations of conflict

God damn wtf is wrong with people

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Im fortunate I was never bullied or attacked, guess thats a perk to being tall and “scary”


bro idfk

and this is just one of the things that has happened at the schools my parents work at

and we’re in a relatively good area


What state are you in? Like this sounds insane

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im going to start taking eliza likes as support for the beliefs stated in the post


Support all people :+1:


frankly on the whole things are pretty good but like crazy people are everywhere and it only takes one to cause headlines

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Thats fair, im from Florida lmao

If you exclude Miami tho, we dont really have to many loons

actually granted I mean you only need to look at the headlines my own school has made to be proof of that :sweat:

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