Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

And then every single time she responded withh “it feels like you’re attacking evils’ play”


Yeah like

and apparently this isn’t ok

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What the heck? BotcU drama? Give me a fork and a knife!


She comstantly completely dismissed the possibility of a specific person being good and treated me and Litten like we were stupid for even considering it. And then in postgame kept going “well in private the evils played socially SO well :):):):):):):)”. Like. No matter how bad you’ve been pocketed it doesn’t give you the right to be an ass


i go to college 3 days a week and do basically no work outside of it. I can leave the room at any time and take a breather. I can go on my phone for a minute to break up the work. This is good enough.
The strain high school had on my body was insane. And I wasn’t allowed to take days off when it was making me feel physically ill because i “wasnt ill enough” or that if I was really sick often like that I should go to the doctor because I had a real problem. Shocker, I had a real problem


I might submit a ticket about this
It will be completely ignored tho


It’s not about BELIEVING that the guy wasn’t good. It’s about treating me like I was an idiot child for myself believing it. Evils can’t make you do that no matter how well you play


She was perfectly fine Attacking Litten’s Play when he disagreed with her


Note that I am extremely sensitive to people being dismissive of me or implying I’m dumb so “treating me like an idiot child” isn’t entirely accurate but she still was very “the Savant is never Good and stop acting like it ever is”


If you have screenshots of it on hand that’d be useful
As evidence
I’m on mobile so it’ll be a bit to seek it out

Is there literally any procedure to submitting a ticket about a mod

Nvm there is

What the heck? How am I supposed to check the tea within 76 pages?!?

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Enjoy adult life goblin girl

U’ll pay taxes soon :smiling_imp:


Was the game that long? It’s so rare to have so many pages, what even happened

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It’s easier to iso May I think

can’t believe they didn’t gamble jimothy as the vaitaa…

No it’s just clocktower