Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

It’s MARCH why is it MARCH

I’ve had it with maple syrup which is great but now i’m also curious to see how it holds up with almond butter. I have almond butter on waffle a ton these days so I’d probably enjoy it

Also, like, we have such an obscene amount of waste at my job so the buttermilk thing shouldn’t get to me anymore

you could also make buttermilk from scratch using milk + {vinegar or lemon juice} (so that you could make exactly the amount you need), but that’s obviously more time-consuming

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I’m also not a big fan of milk so I’d rather have real buttermilk and waste some

Plain greek yogurt is just better. Better texture, better taste for me, better defender against extreme hot sauces, and more efficient source of protein

The fabric weaver May



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To be clear I don’t throw shit out I’m not wasteful that’s the problem. I have all the clothes I’ve ever had since I was 13 that have not been completely destroyed (or donated because I never wear them but that’s pretty rare). That’s why I have too much clothing

I really need to sort through and donate stuff but sorting through drawers is hard when bad back

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I don’t even have any clothes from 5 years ago lmao. I don’t really show mercy to the stuff I wear. Or most intimate objects, really. Their purpose is to suffer in order to shield me.

It’s not sentimentality they’ve still got suffering left in them I’m gonna wring it all out

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meanwhile I’ve had more or less the same jeans and shorts for the past decade


That said I have a bunch of high end athletic clothes now that have endured immense abuse already so they should last indefinitely unless I get too small for them

a fair number of shirts too, actually


always really funny to roll up as somebody with a master’s degree wearing a 5th grade field trip shirt

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daily reminder that a hungarian soldier was held as pow for half a century following ww2 because they thought he was babbling gibberish


he spent 53 years inside an asylum because nobody there understood hungarian


Wearing nice outfits also helps me feel like a human being in the world rather than some kind of autism creature

Do you even know who you’re talking to?

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Im also from boston I know unlimited weakness