Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

I read the story of an hour like a month ago for English
It has implanted itself into my brain

oh yeah i also had to read that. and lamb to the slaughter by roald dahl was also really good

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What is it

read the story, but plot summary in spoilers

woman kills her cop husband who’s about to leave her by whacking him in the head with a frozen leg of lamb, calls the murder in to the police, then cooks the lamb for the policemen to eat while the story literally ends with the policemen talking about how the murder weapon is probably right under their noses


Ok but what’s the point

it’s awesome does it need a point


many of my impactful lessons were bad-impactful

one i distinctly remember is having to watch some video that (wayyy pre-covid) in a very war-of-the-worlds-radio-show way talked about some massive pandemic where people were dying left and right and the entire world was suffering and on the brink of collapse, and they tested every single person’s blood to see if anyone’s could make a cure, and then one specific child’s blood could, so they had to kill the child to harvest the blood to save the world, and then nobody came to the childs funeral

and the moral of the story was that not going to church every sunday was like not going to that childs funeral

this was like 5th grade btw. multiple children cried that day





My god these people suck at their Jesus metaphors

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i need to find da video

it was horrible though there was a spot where the dad was like “what does this ‘pint’ section stand for” and the doctors are like “we didn’t think it’d be a kid we didn’t think it’d be a kid”


how many of your school’s anti-abortion arguments amounted to “look how cute tho :broken_heart:”


lots of them but honestly that wasn’t the bulk of it cuz that’s not a super catholic way of arguing. it’s more so “thats a person and the 5th commandment says not to kill so”


also this bitch had a kid like 2 years ago and named her kid “bear archer”

Im actual people

im so so sorry bear archer

Most of the life lessons I learned in school were like, meta-lessons. Not what was being taught in class but what happened around those classes

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The point is you should kill your cop husband

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On a similar track, our abstinence-only education claimed that “condoms are only 20% effective”, and I remember reading that in 7th grade and immediately thinking that the figure was bunk.

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