Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

Even when school makes you do them? (My pain right now)

depends on the topic but typically I can still enjoy it

so like. imagine proofs, but when you get to the part of the proof where youā€™re like ā€œI know A is true, and I need to get to B being true, and I know I can use A to show B, but Iā€™m not quite sure howā€ you can just say some words and itā€™ll almost certainly be fine

and also instead of writing about, like, whether every Hodge class on X is a linear combination with rational coefficients of the cohomology classes of complex subvarieties of X, youā€™re writing about debates about anatomical illustrations in the 1500s


those words mean nothing to me

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How do you manage to get your words across during essays to sound as formal as ever?

(actual guy in the ~1500s, slightly maliciously paraphrased) ā€˜we shouldnā€™t illustrate medical texts at all because people might think the pictures were accurate and end up more wrong than if they just never saw a picture in the first place. what if people think the pictures are a substitute for actually looking at people.ā€™

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yeah i have not taken enough math for the second paragraph to make sense sorry

iā€™m not actually good at math

thereā€™s a whole industry for this


I donā€™t know what it means either, I just copied it off the list of Millenium problems

watch this guy and learn

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well iā€™m not exactly gonna be proving one of those champ

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arenā€™t you supposed to be a math major :skull:




i donā€™t fundamentally dislike the humanities. but i donā€™t like humanities things enough to write essays about them. big big turnoff


have you tried liking things more


but fr tho

use synonyms! or (if ur cool like me) do what I do

write a paragraph
delete it
write it again
if it still isnt good delete it
write it again

repeat until you are satisfied
and I mean the ENTIRE paragraph. it helps me a lot to figure out what Iā€™m trying to accomplish with a specific paragraph, how it connects to my argument, and deleting it and rewriting it helps me keep it concise and allows it to flow well with the rest of the paper

if ur in a time crunch then dont do this but if u have time it is a great strat



how could you not care about the ways that illustrations in 1500s anatomical textbooks can reflect underlying pedagogical debates

for as interesting as that sounds writing about it sounds like an utter chore