Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

as someone who applied to colleges recently, look into this stuff ASAP and work on it asap so you dont have to do it all last second. I didnt do that and i was sick like all of janurary bc of how STRESSED i was. You dont have a lot u can do now, but doing some research into what u want to go into or colleges you might want to go to will only help u later


I have a planned sheet but it doesnā€™t actually have anything in it

if u do get national merit WSU is just so far and away the best option out of NM schools imho, full tuition just goes super hard.

I have an exec position on the residence hall association next yr which gets a ton taken off of my housing, plus other scholarships, means if I donā€™t opt for a dining plan (which I still prolly will just out of convenience + financial stuff) I will pay like 700ish bucks a semester including housing.


obviously different things work for everyone but doing a ton of research can lead to a school u like for a super cheap rate if u rlly grind now


this is the plan
Iā€™m probably not getting the national merit
but no one has updated anything for like five months so

also woah

I did a ton ton ton of research junior year and early senior year on schools I liked, chose 4 that made really good financial sense, and then went with the one I liked the most after touring + doing more research (realistically I had 1 option I had super high, and then 3 others, but if I did in fact hate my tour or something itā€™d be good to have applied to more schools)


if i do get it

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thats better than nothing

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yeah fair!

I know people who are huge on school prestigiousness and yeah thatā€™s a thing but imho finances, how good the program is for your major, and things such as social life are all more important imho.

There are schools that secure their graduates a decent job by having super rigorous courses and the peice of paper that says ā€œI went hereā€ is proof to employers that they are good, but you can go to a less prestigious school, and put that same amount of effort into networking and getting internships, and have just as much proof to employers.

(obviously this is not end all be all. Stuff like ivies for example do hold such a high amount of weight that it can matter. But as a general trend I think people overrate school prestigiousness and usually itā€™s not worth it to pay tens of thousands more per year to go to a school because itā€™s acceptance rate is smaller than an alternative)

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If u want to go to a prestigious school u should do it because it offers a higher-quality education and professors within your major or program


I donā€™t

iā€™ve always wanted to go to a ā€œmidā€ school

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(thatā€™s how i put it, anyways)

(and/or has a really good alumni base, or connections within a specific industry, etc. etc. but not because of name brand)

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I always had myself either going to a T20 (ivies, stanford, uchicago etc) or some larger state school. And i definitely didnā€™t have the grades to get into a T20 so I didnā€™t bother with a school below 40% acceptance rate lol



idk what a t20 is tho

Top 20. Applying2College jargon that nobody should care about.