Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

yeah fair

my first college counselor really didnā€™t like this lol cuz the school really prides itself on having students go to more elite colleges so it can advertise to parents. He begged me to apply to Rice lol. Luckily my 2nd one was way more chill. and also had the same cholesterol condition as me and was a vegan. what a guy



I had no irl support so i had to figure out like everything by myself which is awesome. Thank you parents and school counselor (whos job it is to guide students through college stuff) for literally nothing



ikr. parents and school counselor made everything 10x harder than it needed to be lol.


Top corporate law firms in the UK are now doing blind applications where they donā€™t see the university you went to, just the grade you acquired

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(obviously you will still have an advantage going to a target university as they will be doing more events there and stuff, but yeah)

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part of me really wants to fuck around and submit a transfer application to harvard and yale just cuz I think I have an outside shot. And then not go, because I hate the east coast and hope some massive tsunami comes down and wipes out massachusets/conneticut.



Piggybacking off marshals point tho also dont feel afraid to apply to reach schools, even u dont think ur gonna get in. Have a lot of faith and confidence in youeself, esp in your essays, bc you will need to talk yourself up a TON


Based af ngl

and also like. If theres a school you really want to go to, just apply. At worst u dont grt in, but if u dont apply then u make sure its a 100% chance u dont get it. U miss wvery shot u dont take etc etc


yeah fr. the stuff is kinda random, which sucks because itā€™s hard to guaruntee yourself getting into a school you like, but also it means even if you donā€™t think you can make it, thereā€™s a chance the admission officer just rlly loves ur app and u make it in

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god bless the admission officer who liked my owl house essay :pray:


out of curiosity where are u going

weezer essay :handshake:


idk yet
I hear back from my #1 choice tomorrow :joy_cat:

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I applied ed to them but they deferred meā€¦ it almost made me go joker mode

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