Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

I didnt get any awards at graduation I think cuz I had major beef with administration

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I got exactly 1 because they were forced to acknowledge the national merit cause nobody’d gotten in it a few years

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Administration had beef with me. My guidance counselor didn’t and he like pushed them to Acknowledge Me and even moved it to before all the other scholarships instead of after like it was supposed to be


I wasn’t as much of a fruitcake in 8th grade tho they fucking loved me then. They had a whole mf ceremony giving me the 8th grade leadership award and award for excellence in Theology and Speech & Debate




There were like several hours of other people getting awards. So many awards. For excellence in so many subjects. And this is a small town school so it’s not a big graduating class, there were so many repeats, pretty much everybody I knew who was good academically got at least one award

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Except me

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I got the best one, the singular one My school didn’t give out, and then nothing else

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I kinda actively spited admin during hs tho. Also didnt try in my classes that’s probably part of it. But being captain of the robotics team that won the mf Maryland Tech Invitational should count for something.


i know a guy who will be like that

went all the way to maryland???

idk if this is still true but a while back he got a “strike” for making a
ive told this story before havent i

The girl who got Four Year Excellence in Mathematics, that is the name of the award, very specifically that, did dogshit in her first couple years of mathematics and only got good once COVID hit and she could cheat on all the tests LMAO


yeah. robotics team got 2nd in the world and offered a spot in the most prestigious FTC invitational ofc we were gonna take it.


he does a lot of things to spite the admins i think

Yeah “Four Year Excellence” I’m sure. She got into Harvard.


I do kind of hope she dies


holy shit