Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

like, the tos themes were awful lmfao

yes i absolutely do

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oh no everyone used prosilver i tried the other ones out and they were all unusable after a day or so

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i used one of the others on an alt so i wouldnt post on the wrong account

I own it

I actually asked them if they could just ship me a non-NSFW copy since the rest of the benefits were worth it but they said no :(

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The more i hear about Terms of Service forums the more genuinely concerned i get

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this is the proper reaction

I do, unfortunately

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you probably should be yes. it wasn’t all bad times but gods it was fucking weird

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there were like 3 good things that happened to me on that forum

the what

i fought in the trenches of the Spy Poll.


at first when learning about Terms of Service forums you might be concerned, but once you learn about it and grow to become a part of the community you will be absolutely fucking mortified

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this poll truly symbolises the battle between the uninformed majority and the informed minority


Yes it exists

i genuinely don’t have a joke i can make over this what the actual hell is wrong with them

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-meeting maya
-getting into other Unseen forums

Bmg moment

a small number of people may have terrible takes about game design in the the hit game "Town of Salem" community but at least it wasn’t a whole bunch of people arguing that actually being able to just read wolfchat as v is fine

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okay but it was funny as hell