Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

yes lilith should blatantly be unbanned :joy_cat: (I didnā€™t realize she was in Flow)

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iā€™m using an S8 and i can read that

Afaik lilith hasnā€™t appealed but if she ever does she knows our staff (or at least i) will vouch for her

"oh yeah, i used to be a piece of shit. slicked back hair. wild-ass discourse about the idea of meritocracy. illegal hydras with Flow. "
ā€œā€¦whatā€™s an illegal hydra?ā€
ā€œits where mutliple people post on a single account in champs but they act like a single person. itā€™s really good . ah, good times !!!1 i was a piece of shit though,ā€

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if it carries any weight i will also vouch for her

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meredith im worried the baby thinks people canā€™t change. i mean i used to be in Flow but,

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Mineā€™s an LGK11+ thatā€™s probably with some software problems

suddenly remembering zirboā€™s plan to get unbanned from MU by making a secret alt, becoming a well-respected community member, and then revealing that he had actually been Seth all along

a plan which, to be clear, he discussed in ā€¦ I think FAM3 dead chat? ā€¦ some public server where this plan was never going to remain secret


Oh I have one of those too

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sorry im just thinking about absurdly niche i think you should leave sketches where tim robinson just starts making really niche jokes about old FM drama


I did the same with Brakuren lmao

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Not that they were being toxic but I was getting pinged so he became a zoo Exhbit

listen i know i asked for it but dont moai react me

i also will

this is one of those things where it works up until the moment he revealed himself and then theyā€™d ban him on the spot

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I feel like seth is wildly incapable of being not obviously seth


orange youā€™re evil just btw

this seems awfully optimistic about his ability to keep his identity secret and avoid breaking rules



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