Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

cannot understate how politically biased this game was despite the host insisting they made jabs at both sides. ted cruz read green eggs and ham and corey booker (Unseen) did the exact same function by distributing crack to the senate

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something which was impossible due to a miscommunication with the hosts

i blocked a 10p 7v3 nightstart setup from becoming reality i think

you are repping flow

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this is why i should be a balancer

i would certainly describe this as being biased, but i don’t mean politically (although im sure it was biased there too)

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if you want to be a reviewer you can apply to be a reviewer!

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god I think even in thread seth kept begging leafia to read the poem



i think a lot about this one game i played on discord where there was a 3p that killed people but without their death being announced

so i kept pinging the host telling them to prod people and they refused to

i figured out what happened and then the game got canned immediately after

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political themed fm but it’s themed around the politics of 18th century France


somehow they had concluded that i reached that score without modifiers but like
you need to have indicators disabled and hidden to get a platinum rank

See on Loop we had a public anonymous messaging channel once in a game with no wolfchat where people were using actual fucking encryption to send each other messages and somebody still managed to crack it because somebody fucked up and two Unseen members got caught off of it

(this would still be political because of colonialism)

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i have several friend reqs on my old account that are all just from their alts

i think the game ended with kanye west becoming president

ah, rihgt, something that was funny before he came out as a fascist,

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it’s honestly surprising how often you get role ideas only to realize that players will be confused and ping the host about it or whatever and immediately spew themselves as not the thing responsible for it, and have to throw away the idea

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“came out” is the wrong word but i don’t want to say radicalised. he kinda was going there for years

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i was in flow by technicality. i was one of their ““alphas”” but i wasnt in the super secret group chat they used for their actual schemes