Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

the backstory was kamala harris killing joe biden with a toaster and obviously the crooked democrats were trying to cover it up!

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flow worked according to arcane rules and i know this just from the outside

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backpedaling on that right before [my lawyers have advised me not to finish this joke] must have been devastating for him

itā€™s so embarrassing that neo-storpeo lore referenced president kanye west. like that was made years out from him going full fash, but still

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at least i assume that the super secret group chat existed. because i was in the normal secret group chat and nothing was ever said in there about it. they mostly shared work out tips

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the one blemish on a game with an otherwise strong legacy

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old reaper moment

to be fair it wasnt as bad as Unseen with a survivor wincon

not ā€œUnseen members win and you surviveā€, ā€œUnseen members win or you surviveā€

like when they occasionally tried to recruit people they always talked about how they had set up a Perfect Meritocracy

itā€™s not that itā€™s bad per se itā€™s just a thing that will absolutely cause game integrity issues because of confusion

hey thatā€™s like the best stuff

the only true meritocracies are sports teams

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ill just say it it was playground rules. oh you cant do that because theres the super duper dark dimension limiter that prevents you from whatever the haha oopsie! :3

and even then thereā€™s slight nepotism sometimes. and you can forget about it when it comes to coaches and especially the upper management

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we came up with the whole ā€œ's huskā€ thing precisely to avoid this sort of problem because people intuitively made the connection to ā€œlifeless huskā€ when these players never responded

yes exactly. but the thing is that playground rules are arcane.

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husks were a really good bit

im still mad that pre-trans me was not self-aware enough to notice how my role actually worked

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early our glorious homesite, Fortress of Lies was wild and iā€™m so sad that i missed it

what the frick