Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

before the civil rights movement in the US, black people had to ride in the back of the bus in Montgomery but white people could also sit in the back. it’s still segregated even if it’s asymmetrical.

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that being said the wnba does not have to deal with draymond green and is an objectively safer league for it

i dont see how its gender segregated. there might be de facto segregation due to general sexism women face everywhere. i dont see why the sport of chess in particular stands out in some capacity in its current form

because they made the specific fucking decision to ban trans women from women’s events. do you not see what this says about how they actually view women?

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…by this metaphor men in chess are comparable to black people under jim crow?

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if we relate this argument to chess, you are arguing chess is misandrist for not allowing men to compete in the womens only category

petty people trying to leverage what little power they can hold over women because they’re mad they weren’t born in the victorian era generally

this is a stupid argument and i feel like people are about to start saying things they dont mean

the women’s events exist as a sandbox for women to play in kept safe from the big bad world of men’s chess. now, yes, plenty of male chessmasters are in fact dangers to women, but that’s not a problem you can fix by effectively shunting women to a secondary category in all but name

you fix it by actually fucking dealing with the sexism of top-level chess players

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banning trans women from women’s chess means that FIDE believes it’s not merely a matter of encouraging women to play chess, but the segregation is due to an underlying belief that men are biologically superior at chess (and they wrongly attribute male-ness to trans women by extension)

i didnt read the whole conversation, i saw no hints of trans women being talked about

i think i could beat magnus carlsen at kerplunk

i specificlaly mentioned chess becasue FIDE banned trans women from women’s chess, and the fact the issue of trans women in women’s sports is affecting chess kinda proves how they internally see it

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it was an example of segregation that only cuts one way. socially and culturally they’re obviously not comparable at all, but it was an instance of asymmetric segregation.

i don’t really appreciate this tbh

it’s not helpful and if you’re right all it does is annoy people to get them closer to the endpoint you’re anticipating

the goal was that people would read it and think “do i actually mean what i say” and then not proceed if the answer was no

i want to make clear that i’m not arguing that there shouldn’t be a women’s category in chess
i’m arguing that we should make a world where there doesn’t even remotely need to be, and that applies for every sport

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i dont think cis women are oppressed by the two categories, this was my argument. i agree that the decision to ban trans women from womens only for chess is probably questionable. if it were up to me i would allow them. the whole point of including womens only is to celebrate womens achievements. the most competitive category is the open one where everyone can compete. so why just celebrate cis women, why not celebrate trans women too. i think thats logical

the discourse about biological advantages held by trans women is really frustrating because. sports is fucking about biological advantages. That is the Point