Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

Well yeah that’s why you play good Unseen games and not bad ones

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the good Unseen games are the ones where the host make fun of you for being wrong


im not as good at puzzlehunts as the rest of my team because im sooo not mathbrained but its still really really really fun to see them work and learn from & with them
and i get better every time
and sometimes i get to crush a puzzle on my own and it feels good mane

puzzlehunts good


(just to clarify that was a copypasta i wasnt being cynical i dont want to impose that image of myself to u)

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too relatable

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mafia is SUCH a good puzzle i so agree


oh my god. quizlet.



I value your presence on the team precisely because you have a different perspective and skill set than the rest of us. You’re going to see things differently than those of us predisposed to math/logic stuff which is so useful when the rest of us go down the wrong road.


I sometimes feel like I didn’t do enough in FAM2/3 to help out, but anecdotally it seems like those were better than the ones I wasn’t a part of so I must have been a positive influence if nothing else.


you have no idea

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Deadass my contributions in those designs was probably 90% “okay so this isn’t going to be as fun/funny as you think it’s going to be” usually followed by an anecdote where I learned it the hard way or had it inflicted upon me.



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there were actually two or three she wasn’t part of, i think

We had annual mashes called “Community FM” before FAM

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this is a total tangent but have you read the Murderbot series, this isn’t a confident recommendation but it seems like something you ?might? enjoy?

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i wanna know the lowlights i’m a big fan of bad roles/setups

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the first few are all short and imo it’s ~fairly easy to figure out from the first one if you will enjoy the later ones

FAM4 however I am much more involved in the mechanical design, and am genuinely excited to see it get played. I think we’re cooking on this one. If I said how many roles we had designed already spriggy the sprigatito wouldn’t believe me.


about to play CLASH OF CLONES

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i love this hosting team tbh fam4 is gunna slap