Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

@orangeandblack5 test

I have not. Where can I read it? Disclaimer: it may take me awhile to get around to it like your last rec, but you haven’t steered me wrong yet.

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in CFM2 ITAs were flavored as insults, with (some forms of) dying being flavored as “leaving the forum”

so like, to ITA spriggy the sprigatito you would type /insult spriggy the sprigatito, or whatever

so on day 1, without consulting with any of the other hosts, one host decided to have an event about insulting ToSers to get them to leave the forum

except, all but one ToSer was just a normal ToSer. but one of them was Mist, who was also a player in the game

and when someone, in the event, successfully landed an insult on Mist, the host processed it as Mist actually dying in the game


what the hell randomizer

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i cant even use half of these awakenings

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wasn’t mist also like
a very strong pr or something

and did that host almost allow mist to sub into a slot despite being dead?
am i mixing up games

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The first one is called “All Systems Red,” the series has won enough of the major SF awards that you can often find them in bookstores and libraries but that’s not a guarantee (I forget where you live, you can probably just check the library website online?) If you like e-books you can also get it on Kindle (this is cheaper than purchasing a physical copy but obviously more expensive than buying it from the library)

Yes, she was one of the two key Blue Dragon PRs

technically no, in the sense that “almost” implies that it did not end up happening and in fact it did end up happening

her initial role was Blue Dragon and the slot she subbed in for was Unseen and the game was ultimately a serial killer victory, so arguably she lost twice


don’t let quizbowlcord get ideas

is now a good time to admit that Blue Dragon plausibly lost CFM2 because of a moderror


my god

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Oh. Oh no. Oh no no no


Oh this book. My partner almost bought this recently. We’ll probably pick it up next we go to the bookstore (I swore we had it but I can’t find it and my partner thinks so too)

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you forgot the part where mist replaced in for me, the (arguably strongest, but one of two main) Blue Dragon PR

then she replaced into the spriggy the sprigatito flavored Unseen role after and lost twice lmao


from yesterday morning

eggs fried to PERFECTION

perfectly crispy golden brown on the outside

runny on the inside. thats the best part. its liquid gold. u dont want the yolk hard. u want it runny, warm, delicious.

seasoned accurately, generously and adequately on BOTH sides with salt, pepper and savory (spice of the GODS - Summer savory - Wikipedia)

thick NUTRITIOUS rye bread. breakfast for CHAMPIONS

it took me 3 years to master the art of perfect eggs. i had to do 1000 thousand spatula flips every morning. it took effort, dedication, and determination. without it i wouldnt be here where i am. people who dont appreciate themselves enough desecrate their palates with HARD yolk. unpleasant. unsatisfying. straight to garbage. i please my palate with LIQUID GOLD.

I CHALLENGE GORDON RAMSAY TO A SHOKUGEKI. send him the message. me versus him. i am ready. im not afraid of anyone.


ok so basically for context

  • the game was ultimately won by a serial killer, Alice
  • Alice had come under some suspicion for various reasons
  • sulit was a variant desperado that suicided if it tried to kill someone who wouldn’t peek as Unseen to a cop. notably, this meant that she would still die if she killed godfathers and serial killers. (her death was flipless for mech reasons, but she and Geyde explicitly talked about this in advance, so it’s not just ‘Blue Dragon misunderstood this admittedly-somewhat-dubious mechanic.’)
  • On like day 4-ish, she desperado’d into Alice and died, which was largely treated as Blue Dragon confirmation for Alice, and was definitely a factor in her ultimate victory.

The specific relevant moderror was–

–okay so for more context, the game basically had two ways to be dead, being “banned” (which was flipless and potentially temporary) and “leaving the forum” (which was permanent). “banned” users were still able to speak with Geyde [the player, not the role] during nights. (I think? I might be misremembering timing? he was definitely sometimes able to speak to banned users.)

CRich was a mech oracle and was killed (by the “ban” mechanic, the one that let them still talk to Geyde) partway through the game, on the same night that he got the information that there was a neutral present in the game.

Except … I forgot to add him to dead chat, and only realized when he reminded me, which was a lot later. I don’t remember how much later, or if it was a full phase later. And “forgetting to add one player to dead chat” isn’t the sort of thing I was going to can the game over, at the time I didn’t even realize how big of a deal it would be, so I just ended up adding him to the chat and not really doing anything else.

Either way, the information that he knew there were neutrals did not end up making it into thread, and I think if it had, people would have treated the desperado-that-they-knew-couldn’t-kill-neuts as a lot less clearing than it was.

Blue Dragon was doing an astonishingly bad job of finding Unseen members despite one Unseen killing like nearly half the team in an event, so realistically the people who actually got fucked over by this was the wolfteam, but. Either way this was my fault.



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I realized that this had plausibly affected the outcome of the game, like, not wildly long after the game happened, but at the time I was embarrassed about the mistake and didn’t want people to flame me over it so I didn’t say anything

but having (a) been reminded of the existence of this game (b) developed some more principles since that all happened, I figure I should come clean :joy_cat:


wow this is unforgiveable and i hate you now