Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

the jedi only get a pass morally because the sith are ghoulishly evil


“From my perspective, the Jedi are evil”

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it turns out that relying on literal rage and hatred to serve as your power source is like
probably not good for your character

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ideally neither exist but when there are people with superpowers tied to literally being more aware of the world around you I don’t think the way things turned out is surprising

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okay but like anakin has this big thing where he becomes the pivotal piece that knocks down both the jedi and the sith bringing balance to the force by completely destroying both sides

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so like
i think the jedi would plausibly turn out with similarly good results most of the time if the entire concept were to be dropped into the setting at various points

They are literally a self-righteous, moralizing, child-recruiting militaristic religious cult that maintains the status quo of the Republic even as it literally crumbles around them. They are undone by their own chattel soldiers killing them on the battlefield, and not by choice, but because it turns out they served a different master. I sometimes don’t know if George Lucas did this intentionally, but when you look at the Clone Wars and the prequel trilogy through “these guys kinda suck ass actually” it makes so much sense.

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i feel like it is intentional considering during the clone wars there’s a lot more commentary about how people don’t really like the jedi order all that much for a wide chromatic spectrum of reasons

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there’s a lot of doylist reasons for why it turned out the way it did but for the most part it’s a retroactive justification for the original trilogy only having darth vader and sidious fmu

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Anakin was failed time and time again by the Jedi. His corruption wasn’t just made possible by their malfeasance, but instrumental to its success.

i mean it is very much a key point of the prequel trilogy that the jedi were about as responsible for their own downfall as the sith were

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and also serves as a key explanation for why palpatine was able to turn public opinion against the jedi so quickly

also yeah this too.

at the very least they should have noticed all the red flags circling around anakin

they actually make a pretty good argument for the rule of two with the old republic era

I still wonder what is the name of the galaxy far far away is.

It’s possible that it’s not meant to be known.

I’m not sure how people in general ought to worldbuild universes where some portion of the population are just crazy strong when compared to the rest

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I get the other two extremes pretty easily though

Just once have a lightsaber-wielding force user that isn’t a Jedi, and doesn’t become a yellow-eyed sadomasochist the moment they touch something other than the “light” side of the force.

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