Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

it’s so easy

congrats to me for holding the cookie for all of 9 hours

oh yeah chloe got the cookie without anyone noticing

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mickey mouse cookie tbh way too close to the last one


because Disney and it has to be light vs dark and be for babies.

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Oh there was a cookie uhhh yeah calculated gg ez



Honestly not even counting that one cuz it was stupid

Marissa give a number

all I want is a Jedi to show up at a Sith’s door, bloody and battered and exhausted in rain-soaked clothes, water dripping from their unusually disheveled hair, and look her nemesis in the eyes and say “I had no where else to go”, and then she lets the Jedi in

i’m really not asking for much here



May, trained in body and mind

maybe thats too hiiiiiiii. 20024

this definitely exists somewhere on Ao3


either works

Be the change you want to see in the world

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perhaps I will look for it one day.

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Jedi + Sith Duo film make it gay
Expressionist film pretty much solely focusing on one guy with the force dealing with years upon years of trauma
Make a spaghetti western but it’s star wars (so just copy mando lmao)

clones are pretty cool as well you can definitely make an artsy as fuck film about that experience

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goes hard

i want a lawrence-of-arabia-esque star wars film (zero dialogue spoken by women)

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being able to make a coherent film with zero dialogue is a decent benchmark for ‘being good at film’ so broadly I want to see it happen