Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

oh yeah that was intentional but more jokey but i figured since you were serious i should clarify my actual take


Oh okay yeah now we’re on the same page


on an unrelated note, i spent five dollars on litten and magnus and the one reciprocated and the other one didnt, so actually magnus is terrible and litten is in my will


Is that funny tho

the joke was funny and the reaction i got out of them was fujjy and that’s what really matters~

remind that to katze she forget recently

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i genuinely cant tell who is who anymore

is that may? magnus? hazard? which one?


protip: only one of them features the topic where they accidentally became god


I dig things going horribly wrong partially because I live in a world where ‘getting what’s coming to you’ isn’t necessarily the case for the elite of the world

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i love when characters do bad things and face bad consequences and are bad people.

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there’s a line at which suffering in media feels gratuitous and borderline fetishistic
or at least I feel so

I love the catharsis of an earned failure more than the like
suffering bit

i don’t like suffering

just suffering is how you get legend of korra where i can’t tell if the amount of times they make korra scream is the writer’s barely disguised fetish or not

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yeah i like deserved suffering

i think bojack horseman is way too hamfisted in its delivery of anything but man i can’t lie when I say I loved watching pathetic horse guy do horrible things and ruin his relationship with everybody as a result, for 6 seasons

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genuinely scarred me on a rewatch like what the hell nickelodeon

always thought of watching it but never got around to it
venture bros was higher on my list and I finished it recently
it good?

I think it tries to do a lot of commentaries on, like, depression and stuff that imho talk down to the audience. I feel like i’m the only one who feels this way though.

its ultimate “consequences of actions” porn tho. there are a lot of genuinely funny moments along the way aswell.

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does the ‘watch the first few episodes’ test match the rough quality of the series?

I’m May, that’s Hazard


i kinda think the best part about it is the buildup and payoff of plotlines & also doesn’t really stand super well as an episodic series. the first half of season 1 is probably weakest part of this show for this reason because it’s building everything up


You can tell from the titles

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