Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

i’ll think it over

season 1 also overall is weakest part of show, but if you like season 1 you will like the entire show

gonna watch the sick justice league animated series instead

i feel like i just dont really engage with superhero media very much, although i like & am caught up with invincible

the only thing I can say about superhero media is that there’s a lot of it

huge quality variance

Gasp, blue text may

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Hi Silviu your April fools was funny

Wait what the heck did you do to discourse!

I know who you truly are!

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I’m actually Magnus

I gave hazard mod. Which was probably a bad idea

Didn’t Chloe grant Hazard admin privileges already anyway

Only for like 5 minutes

Maybe the next BoTF should be Fall of Rome again.

Fall of rome sounds fun for town and less fun for evils

It didn’t help the evil team that two of them played BoTF for the first time.

I’m aware of that, but even if the evil team had played perfectly in creating fake information to create other possible worlds, the actual world would still be 100% mechanically solvable as it was in reality. If town cared to parse the information every time, good might win every time

I’d make an argument that there are some worlds that cannot be solved mechanically. You can certainly narrow your options, but sometimes you just get three separate but plausible worlds that you have to evaluate socially.