Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

like episode 7 was derivative af and 9 was obviously a trainwreck but both movies were far, far more interesting (one way or another) than 8

and I’d still consider 7 a mediocre film and 9 a bad one

8 is genuinely that aggravatingly a waste of time

Lmao thats so funny my ex was friends with someone who was good friends with kelly marie tran
My ex would go off on people for trashtalking rose
Rose deserved better


Well, kelly deserved better

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My theory is Rian Johnson understood early on that it was gonna be fucked because it’s a middle movie that had to both fit with an unwritten first movie and be followed by a third movie being written at the same time. Like it’s so much side questing because the main quest cannot meaningfully progress. It has to spin tires. The stuff with Rey and Kylo Ren is legitimately good. The casino shit was drawn out but also did the work for “anybody can be a hero” that was paralleled in Rey/Kylo and had DJ (Benicio Del Toro) who 1) is responsible for maybe.gif one of my all time favorite reactions and 2) I think one of the best characters in the trilogy. Hell, the Poe plot was good and also intersected with the themes being played around with in the other plots. There’s genuinely so many good things about it and it’s a real “what could have been” movie. And despite its flaws it still comes in at #5 out of Star Wars films because I think the rest say less and are just as bad and/or far more cowardly.

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Also it’s the only piece of Star Wars visual media since the originals that didn’t treat Luke Skywalker like some infallible saint, and it was better for it. Mfer had like a few weeks of Jedi class that was really Vader assassination training. Of course he should be a little maladapted to reviving the Jedi order and being a good mentor to others.

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I’ve been sitting here pissed off thibking about it and trying to write why im pissed off but decided to delete everything cuz i dont wanna do that in cookie thread actually lol

Wow people suck!


In unrelated news i just ate an absolutely perfect soft-boiled egg

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chloe have you seen that one meme of people throwing rocks at an elephant and saying “gaaaay”

No where show

idk i couldnt find it by googling it and i dont have it on hand

let me ask around

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@notblackorwhite “it couldn’t possibly be a good movie” is not a valid defense of a bad movie

I also basically disagree that anything you brought up (sans whatever gif thing, idk what that is) outweighs the fact that the movie is an absolute waste of time to watch

I doubt you’ll be able to change my mind on this unless you make a life-changingly-compellingly good case, so I ping you mostly to just tie this to the discussion above and not because I think we’re going to benefit from like, debating this or whatever

But man ep 8 really really really let me down and the bar was not even that high because 1 and 7 both exist and were acceptable



Its nutella

Also i love it thank you

It is contextualizing why I think it is the way it is and try to make sense of its failings and why I try to appreciate all of the things it did or tried to do that was more thoughtful and indicative of a true love of Star Wars, and vision for Star Wars that so desperately wish could be.

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the last jedi should be something that I ironically like a lot because the fucking casino section is so fucking random and pretty much everything is written like taking hard right and left turns on the freeway